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APRIL 22 - 24, 2005


Sarasota Hyatt Hotel (A 4 star hotel) Click here to see details (large file). Rooms $125 / night (This is a 50% group discount if reserved prior to 3/21/05) Individuals must make reservations. 1-800-233-1234


$125.00 per person. Please use the coupon below and send to Jim Sweeney no later than 3/15/05.
No refunds after 3/25/05.

Schedule of Events

Friday, 4/22


all day in hotel lobby. Pick up your guest badges here. The badges are important, as they are your meal ticket. Please wear to all hotel functions.


10:00 AM

Golf Outing—Sarasota Legacy Golf and CC. $65.00 includes carts. If you prefer Saturday for golf, please
note on the coupon below. Prizes will be awarded


6:00 PM

Reception—Heavy hors d'oeuvres, cash bar.
Mingling is essential.

Saturday, 4/23

10:00 AM

Bus leaves for Ringling Mansion and Art Gallery for tour and lunch. A list of local attractions is on the hotel data sheet on the reverse side of this page. Please note you preference on the coupon. Democracy will rule… majority wins. Or we may break you up into groups.


5:00 PM



7.00 PM

Banquet Buffet. This will be an outstanding selection of various entrees and side dishes. Fresh Florida Grouper and a rib roast that will be carved in the dining room will be featured. If you are interested in the beef, please note on the registration coupon your preference of how you like it cooked. This will help the chefs in preparing our meal.

Sunday, 4/24

9:00 AM

A delicious breakfast buffet before bidding our old pals adios.

Featured Speaker and honored guest is Father Joseph Fessio, formerly of the University of San Francisco and currently the Provost of the new Ave Maria University located in Naples, FL.

Anyone is welcome to arrange his class reunion while with us. Let us know your plans and we will see to it that you have a facility in which to meet. We will do all of the grunt work to make your gathering successful and you all can lay back and enjoy yourselves.

A hospitality suite will be available each day, stocked to fulfill your needs.


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