![]() VOLUME
4 • CHAPTER 2 April 2004 COWCHIPS
ubba has been promoted from the janitorial staff to assistant typesetter (his demeanor hasn't changed much), but he still likes to contribute his two cents worth. This time he sez: "We live in a swell community of about 10,000 souls. On a typically beautiful Florida morning the routine goes something like this: The girls jump on their 3-wheelers and peddle their cute little (?) fannies all around the neighborhood; the guys gather in groups in the middle of the street, coffee mug in hand and solve the problems of the world, after which they sing the camp song, 'Praise the Lord and pass the Metamucil'.....I went shopping recently. Sixteen various clerks and check-out people gave me the H.A.N.D. That's Have A Nice Day for you shut-ins. If only one of them really gave a damn that I have a nice day it would be worth while, but I know that none of them really care. It's part of the job and I'm tired of it. So I recite my little poem. As a rule after hearing the poem, they say nothing to me in the future. It goes, in response to the H.A.N.D. 'I always give it my very best shot. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it do not.' Another thing happened on this shopping trip. I had occasion to visit the men's room in one of the stores. There in plain view was a diaper changing station. I know that they are found everywhere, but in the men's room at Home Depot!!?? Yikes! What's going on here?......Joe Corrigan '63 is one of several of you who have sent me jug slips. What are y'all trying to say?.....I have a vocabulary problem. The over- and incorrect use of the word 'closure'. This is a device, usually mounted on hinges, that separates one room from another. What does that have to do with grief?....It seems that the President of Loyola University has scuttled the campus production of "The Vagina Monologues". Worried about the show's language. After all these years, I have never even heard one talk. Now on to more important stuff. The mystery of who is the step-father of Corey Flintoff, the NPR radio man we wrote about in January has been solved. It is Ed Karnacki, '42, the idol of Dan Rostenkowski. Wonder where the old pol is these days. Probably in that great congress in the sky. Thanks, Ed.....Ernie Hillenmeyer '38 writes: Thanks for including my short vignette of life at Campion with Father Nebrich in the last issue of Campion Forever. I hope some of my classmates have a chance to read it. It is great that you keep the Alumni news going for old Knights. I was pleased to see the name of 15 living from my class of 1938. I seem to remember that there were 96 in our class at graduation. Again thanks for all you do to keep the old school alive...... Lew Blanton, proud graduate with the class of 1952 says: "You really perform a service. We'd be scattered to the four winds and the Campion experience would be just a memory." Thanks, Lew......From Mike Kearns '63: Jim O'Kief another class of 63 grad is living on his ranch at WoodLake, Nebraska (close to Valentine). I was pheasant hunting up in that area last year and drove out to see him but, of all things, he and his wife had driven to Kansas to hunt. The oddity is that I live in Manhattan Kansas. Again thanks for the good work and effort....Wife, Lauretta offers this: Patience is a virtue...catch it if you can; seldom in a woman, NEVER in a man. Not my emphasis! .....I thanked Bob Smith '68 for sending us some stuff and he responds: "It's a privilege and an honor to be of some small service in the cause of perpetuating the ideals that Campion HS embodied for the great majority of its life."..... From Paul Polodna 56: "Have to tell you a neat story about finding one of my high school friends. I had been wondering where Dick Vopelak was for some time. He was from Prairie and a year ahead of me. We were close friends in grade school and he was the one that encouraged me to go to Campion, and that probably changed my life. Otherwise I probably would have stayed in Prairie instead of going to college. I sent him a picture of me and he sent one back along with some of our grade school days and other young friends. Thanks for the memories."....It's what you learn after you know it all that's important...... Dave Carey '60 lost his home in the California wildfires. He can be e-mailed at DANDBCAREY@JULIANWEB.COM......Father Tom Woerth '68 is looking for a current address and phone number for James D. Armalavage '60. I'm sure your help will be appreciated.....John Rybarczyk '70 has been a member of TAA since he graduated from good old CHS. This translates to : Townbomber Alumni Association. Perhaps we should know more about this. On the other hand,.... Deeds Fletcher '57 writes: "Here is a quick rundown (on life since Campion) Graduated in 1957, on to Regis & St. Louis University, Married 1961 - six children (one boy) 15 grand children, 41 years municipal bond trader, retired 2000. Keep busy with above offspring. Spend time at family cottage on Lake Huron in Bayfield, Ontario. Only JUGS now originate with wife, Faith. Sailboat also named "Faith". So we are & will always be - Deeds and Faith". Thanks for your great newsletter!.....Tom Olson '72 writes concerning his website (Campion-Knghts, an outstanding site). He has a password-protected page (PRIVATUM COMPIANUM). In order to access this page you will need a user name and password. If you will e-mail Tom he will provide you with the proper authorization. Here's a great reporting job by Paul McCullough '70: Kostka Hall Fire
aturday, December 14, 1968, dawned cold, clear and bright. Some four to five inches of snow lay on the grounds of Campion Jesuit High School as students and faculty followed the school's longstanding Saturday schedule: wake-up bell - 6:45 am for sophomores and juniors, 7:05 am for freshmen (seniors got up when they wanted); breakfast (including cereal to be eaten by students - virtually everyone - enrolled in an on-going Crest Toothpaste study); classes or study hall from 8:30 to 11:40 am; lunch; recreation and lockout from the dorms from 1:00 to 4:30 pm. On the first floor of Kostka Hall, the school's administrative offices were open. Secretaries typed away and students summoned by the assistant principal (this feared position only recently re-titled Dean of Students) sat on a long wood bench outside his office. (I warmed that bench more times than I can recall - dunno why.) The bursar's office was open and was able to dispense the weekly stipend to cash strapped Campion Knights ($3.00 for upperclassmen, $2.00 for frosh) through the world's smallest bank window. Immediately inside Kostka's front door, sophomores and juniors without scheduled morning classes busied themselves in the first floor study hall, the site where student offenders had served "JUG" for decades. For those persons lucky enough to be going off campus, the request "Cab to Kostka Hall" softly telephoned in by the front desk receptionist, could be heard echoing down the corridor. In the center of the building, next to the enclosed four storey steel staircase and freight elevator, students passed through the corridor that traversed Kostka and led between Campion and Xavier Halls on their way to classes, the ROTC classrooms and rifle range in Xavier basement, or (for seniors) their dorm rooms. In short, all was routine.
Scheduled activities that weekend included a home basketball game at Hoffman Hall. The debate and forensic teams would be competing away. A Sodality Society fundraiser movie, "A Man for All Seasons" was to be shown at 1 pm in the Kostka basement theater, the time being changed from 7:00 pm that evening due to the basketball game. Students were encouraged to attend and to purchase admission tickets costing 50 cents, not an insignificant sum given a Campion student's weekly allowance. Nothing special was planned liturgically for that weekend, apart that it was to be Gaudate Sunday. Students were more joyful about the upcoming Christmas recess as opposed to any overt reflections about Advent being almost over and they were accordingly making their travel plans. There was some urgency among the many Chicagoland residents to book their trip on the charter bus to O'Hare Field because the Burlington Railroad had refused to provide additional coaches and to stop at Campion Crossing, the result of a small riot with Campion involvement on a Twin City Zephyr the previous April. Besides, the bus fare was some $3.00 to $4.00 cheaper (Paul has promised to provide us with a story on the infamous Zephyr riot) Having started on time with at least 100 to 150 students in attendance, the Sodality movie was ten or fifteen minutes underway when Fr. R. Brodzeller entered the theater via the doorway under the iron front stairs of Kostka, turned on the lights and signaled to the projectionist to stop the film. "Gentlemen, there is a fire in this building" was all he said, upon which there was a loud rumbling noise as everyone hit the wooden floor, feet running, and made for the two exits. Putting up his hands, Fr. Brodzeller shouted "WAIT! HOLD IT! You will leave by me under the stairs." The audience, half in and out of their seats, swarmed the exit, knocking Fr. Brodzeller back and forth, ultimately pushing him out into the theater stairwell. Despite being dazzled by the sun's reflection off the snow, the theater audience assembled on the lawn in front of the dining (Loyola) hall and waited in silence. In fact, the silence was the most noticeable phenomenon as nothing extraordinary was occurring. At this time, Kostka Hall seemed as solid as ever without any signs of danger. The rest of the campus was also very quiet. Word had spread that a fire had started in the WVOC radio studio on the fourth floor and that a small number of students and scholastics were up there trying to contain it. Minutes later, a single, old, tired appearing fire truck pulled up in front of Kostka and its riders went inside, causing some tittering that one fire truck is probably not going to be enough to address this problem. Over time, one could see smoke building up behind the glass panes in the top floor dormers, obscuring the window shades from view and turning the room to darkness as observed through the glass, a gray-white color. On the front stairs, scholastics and seniors were asking people in the crowd to come to the first floor offices as a decision had already been made to start removing school records. This process was underway when a muffled thud, sounding like a gas range being lit too fast, was heard and a huge mushroom of flame burst through the roof of the building. At least half of the top floor in the front portion of the hall appeared to be involved, signaling to all present that the fire was hopelessly out of control. The effort to remove records and vital equipment rapidly accelerated; a parade of students began collecting and carrying materials over to Lawler Hall where they were stacked in the foyer. Recovered items included drawers filled with documents, the public address microphone and amplifier (even the xylophone used at the beginning of morning announcements), typewriters, postage meters, the addressograph machine and address stencils, and the contents of the bursar's office. The recovery process was halted when the first floor began to fill with smoke, probably from entrainment of smoke and fire through the stairway and elevator shaft located in the center of the building. Despite some protests, everyone was ordered out. Word had also spread that those on the fourth floor were accounted for and were safe. At least two more fire trucks arrived and were stationed behind Kostka Hall between the infirmary and the music hall, pouring water on the rear of the building. For students, there really wasn't anything more to do except watch. The fire moved rapidly, consuming the entire top floor and the old freshman dormitory located in the back of the building. The fire department's role rapidly became one of containment, especially in protecting Campion Hall, pouring hundreds of gallons of water onto its roof and west facade. At one point, small flames were seen on the dormers of the western side of the building (the chemistry laboratory) and were quickly extinguished. The room darkeners in the chemistry laboratory melted and produced a black, treacly goo that coated the walls (probably the only overt damage to Campion Hall). It remained bitterly cold and because of the temperature, water quickly froze, encasing all exposed surfaces in ice. Everyone and everything smelled of smoke. By late afternoon, in spite of fire department efforts, Kostka Hall was losing a floor to the flames approximately every two hours. At dinnertime, as they took their meals at tables located on the south side of Loyola Hall, students could look out the window through the darkness to see fire consuming the first floor, including the principal's office, the assistant principal's office, and the study hall. Members of the debate and forensic teams, returning by car along Route 18 at dusk, reported seeing a tall column of smoke miles before reaching Prairie du Chien. In spite of the fire, Campion continued to provide food and shelter to its 500-plus resident students Saturday night and Sunday. Attendance was taken at 5 pm for freshman at Marquette Hall, sophs and juniors at Lucey Hall. Seniors were allowed to enter Xavier Hall, although persons living in the south wing of the building were required to collect their mattresses and belongings and to double up in student rooms in the north wing Saturday night. Dinner was served. Hoffman Hall remained open and the basketball game was played. Heating, water and electricity were maintained in all buildings (except for the infirmary and music hall which temporarily lost heat). Marquette and Lucey Halls were left without hot water for 24 to 36 hours. Showers, by necessity, were very short. Recovery began almost immediately. On Sunday, December 15, which dawned gray and overcast, a large crane with a wrecking ball arrived around 10:00 am to remove a portion of Kostka's western wall, some 60 to 70 feet high, that was still standing and threatening to collapse on Xavier Hall. Displaced seniors were allowed to return to their rooms later that day. Junior division services were restored in Campion Hall. During the day, large numbers of students assisted the Jesuits in transforming the first floor of Lawler Hall into administration offices. At 8:30 am, Monday, December 16, classes resumed at Campion again. The morning public address announcements lasted close to thirty minutes and gave an overview of how services formerly provided in Kostka Hall were to be replaced. A brief description of the fire and the efforts to contain it was given. One student, Thomas Thompson '70, was singled out for special praise because of his work in getting people out of the building and in fighting the fire (he was reported as having sustained burns to his arms but expected to recover fully). At the start of his chemistry class, Maurice Oehler projected a large overhead slide that reduced Saturday's events to an applied example of thermodynamics: "That was an exothermic reaction with an increase in entropy!" By lunchtime Monday, from the students' perspective, all services appeared to be fully restored. Apart from the morning's abbreviated first period class caused by necessary announcements, there was no interruption of student instruction because of the fire. The remnants of Kostka Hall remained entombed in ice and snow until early April 1969. Upon removal, the building's foundation was covered over and seeded with grass, creating a small quadrangle between Campion and Xavier Halls. Movies resumed and were shown in the freshman gymnasium on weekends. The first floor of Lawler Hall functioned effectively as Campion's administrative center, with the assistant principal's (Dean of Students') office being positioned closest to the dining hall. Painful losses included The Little Theater (the center of Campion dramatics), the radio station WVOC, and the equipment used for Camp Campion, the school's summer youth program. Salvage of alumni records was later found to be incomplete; in subsequent years, requests for information regarding Campion alumni were mailed to students, recent graduates, and their families in an attempt to recover lost information. Specifics about who or what caused the Kostka Hall fire were never fully disclosed to students. From the information circulated, the fire appeared to have originated in or near Campion's radio station on the fourth floor. Smoking was alleged as the probable cause. Two students from the Class of 1970 were suspended shortly after the fire; one was ultimately allowed to return. (Pictures later in this letter - click here) Paul McCullough '70 From INDIAN COUNTRY TODAY 8/20/2003: SANTA MARIA, California -
fter serving many years as tennis director for a local country club, David Dantzer (Campion '57), a U.S. Professional Tennis Association teaching pro, discovered that there was an empty sector among his students; American Indians. And so in 1995 Standing Tall Tennis began. In the past eight years, more than 3,000 Native children and adults from all over Indian country have been introduced to the sport. This season alone, Dantzer held clinics in New Mexico, Arizona, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington. Based on the message "stand up and be proud of who you are," Standing Tail challenges children to "at least try tennis." During the first free clinic everyone wins a prize, and more often than not, participants return to subsequent clinics with their friends in tow.
"There are many great natural athletes in Indian country who seem to enjoy the challenge of learning a new skill," Dantzer added in a recent interview with Indian Country Today. "The response has been very positive even though many Native Americans have no experience with the sport at all." In addition to learning the basics of tennis, participants also learn lifetime lessons like teamwork, concentration, sportsmanship, dedication and goal setting. Tennis also serves as a great healthy activity that gets Natives up and moving. Although participation and talent levels were positive, Standing Tall Tennis has hit a few bumps in the road. For example, the lack of appropriate courts in Indian country. Danzter pointed out, we've taught in gyms, on outdoor basketball courts, parking lots and on grass, but seldom on a regulation tennis court." However some improvements are noticeable in areas where an increased interest in tennis has been expressed. For example, In 1997, when the Outreach Tour began at the Todd County High School in Mission, S.D., Dantzer recalls how "[the school] had two badly cracked courts when Standing Tall Tennis first visited the campus." Now there are three new courts complete with wind breakers and a ball machine. Another problem that Dantzer faced was the lack of interest in follow-up programs. Dantzer and several other coaches, pros, some volunteers from throughout the U.S. conduct the clinics, but when the initial clinic was complete he found that no one had the knowledge (or the interest) in continuing the program. Now, Dantzer said, they train at least one instructor a day at every clinic site so that there is a possibility of continuation." By teaching Native Americans to teach Native Americans, we are creating some jobs, or at least, making someone more knowledgeable and valuable in their present position." Overall Dantzer feels the program is a success. He continued "The fact that Standing Tail Tennis is welcomed back each year could attest to that." The non-profit organization is made possible by several sponsors including the United States Tennis Association (USTA), Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Joseph Stanley Leeds Foundation and is indorsed by the Native American Sports Council. Standing Tall is also working with several Boys and Girls clubs and local schools and wellness programs in an attempt to grow even more. Through Nike, two American Indian youth were granted scholarships for tennis summer camps. Seeing the joy in the young tennis players and often their families solidifies Dantzer's pride in the program. "Success is seeing the smiles on the participants faces (adults and children), learning that parents have taken the children to hit some tennis balls together, hearing that kids on the Res had to be kicked off the court at 10 P.M. because they were playing tennis and reservations wanting to build tennis courts after Standing Tall Tennis has been there. This is success." Dantzer has Pro #1 status with the USTA and currently coaches the men's and women's teams at Allan Hancock Community College in Santa Maria, California. He was recently named a member of the Multicultural Participation Committee for the USTA. His work with Standing Tall brought national televised recognition, when his efforts were noted during the CBS special opening day of the 2002 U.S. Open.
he January mailing was a huge undertaking. The cost of printing, postage and clerical help was just a tad under $6000. Anticipating this expense, we solicited financial aid in August. The response was gratifying. Thanks to all of you generous guys who helped. As you may recall, we removed from Jug those who have not contributed or shown interest in our enterprise if they had graduated 50 years ago or more. This has added a great deal of expense to our project. Two or three of these grads have put themselves in good stead by sending us a few bucks. Otherwise, it becomes an effort with diminishing returns. We have decided that prior to next years directory mailing we will return to JUG those who have not been helpful as, by then, it will be obvious that they have no interest in our product. Sad to report that there are several of my classmates among these. Elsewhere in this newsletter you will find a financial statement for our first three years (July 1, 2000 - June 31, 2003). I am sorry that we have not provided this information in some time. In the future, we will furnish our financial data each October.
Excerpted from the March 1980 Alumni issue of the Campionette: ALUMNI ASSOCIATION TO HELP SENIOR JESUITS At the September (1979) golf outing, there was considerable discussion, at the suggestion of George Braasch, to put the efforts of the Association to work for some worthwhile project. Among the proposals were financial aid to the Jesuit Seminary Guild for Jesuit vocations, a scholarship fund for needy students and support for retired Jesuits. By far the majority of alumni present were in favor of helping support the Jesuit retirement program. There is little doubt of the increased cost of living associated with runaway inflation. Retired persons are especially affected. Retired Jesuits who do not receive social security or other government aid are among those affected the most. At the present time in the Chicago Province alone, the average annual cost of the personal needs of senior Jesuits at age 70 is $4,500, yet the Province is only able to provide a base benefit of $1,500. It seems a fitting purpose for Campion alumni to take an active role in the support and care of retired Jesuits. Even if you are not interested in actively supporting the Alumni Association, none of us can ignore the fact that many of these men gave us the best years of their lives and with this a sound Catholic education which has become the cornerstone of our faith and our careers. Now it is our turn to help them. Your contribution will be used directly for their support. Those of you who can help should send a check payable to The Campion Alumni Association. Bob Smith '68 sent us this story: TELEGRAPH HERALD / SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2003 PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, Wis. -
Cottage Grove man wants to build an entertainment park south of Hoffman Hall in Prairie du Chien on land that used to be a football field for Campion Jesuit High School and Martin Luther Preparatory School. Duane Hubing has applied to rezone 28 acres from low-density residential to highway commercial. He also seeks a conditional use permit for an 18-hole miniature golf course and go-cart tracks, with possible future expansion. The requests go before the City Plan Commission during a public hearing at 7 p.m. Monday. The property owner is Strom Lake, LLC, of South Milwaukee. The proposed development includes the golf course, a "Slick" go-cart track for 10 carts, a "kiddy" go-cart track for five carts and a "family" go-cart track for 15 carts. At any given time, up to 30 go-carts could be operating. The operation would be seasonal, from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. The City Plan Commission, after review, can grant, deny or modify the request. A staff memorandum to the commission states, "There are not many large tracts of undeveloped residential property in the city that would allow for future residential development. If the city wants continued population growth, more residential development of a relatively high density will need to occur. By rezoning this property and allowing commercial development, the option for residential development of this large property is lost." But the report goes on to say that the property "abuts the railroad and the prison complex, as well as property that is zoned industrial, reducing its attractiveness for residential development." The U.S. 18 realignment also runs along the property. Thanks, Bob.
is the night before Christmas and in the peace of the quite house I am opening the mountain of Christmas mail until it is time to attend midnight mass. A cold has been chasing me for all day and I think the Aleve Cold Plus medication is beginning to interact with the two fingers of bourbon. All this means that I am in excellent condition to remember the many experiences of Campion. As I scanned the thousands of names in the alumni listings I came upon the hundreds of names that I knew something about. They were the upper classmen who led the way for my experience of Campion. And then there it was, the names of the class of 1958. I did not know that I had these hundred plus names deposited into my recollections. And each recollection held many experiences that helped in the complex process of building a person, me. The e-mail addresses are a good idea. I expect that it will enable classmates to take that first step, to say hello to past comrades in the race of life. Thank you for the alumni newsletter and these few warm moments. Edmund Burckart '58 Aaron: Been reading Campion history, and I thought I'd add my 2 cents. My father graduated from the College in 1918. and he told me several tings about Campion in those days. Joyce Kilmer's friend, Father Daly, was one of Dad's teachers. Kilmer visited Campion several times while Dad was there and Dad met him. There was a persistent rumor while I was there that a tree near Marquette Hall was the inspiration for "Trees". I asked about this and was told that the trees around Marquette were saplings at that time. Dad was one of the first residents of Marquette Hall. The family of one of your class mates was involved in the construction.....I believe the name was Molo and they did the plumbing. They were from Dubuque. One of my fondest memories of Campion was the weekend of the game between Edgewater and Campion which ended in a tie in my sophomore year and spoiled a perfect season. I remember it so well as it was the only time Dad visited me without the rest of the family. He managed to stay on campus in the infirmary and ate with the Jesuits. Do you remember Tom Kaep '47 from Dubuque? (God, yes!) His Dad was a dentist and a class-mate of Dad's. They hooked up that weekend and had a terrific time together. The highlight for me was when the 4 of us were in a bar in Prairie and the bar maid said she knew Dad. He said he didn't know her so she went in the back and came back with a picture of herself and Dad. Cheers, and keep up the good work. George Lennon '48 TOM GILMORE '50 and a John Carroll graduate, now of Las Vegas, NV, organized an Omaha luncheon in August 2003 with former Campion graduates: BOB MEEHAN' 50, BRIAN TOBIN '51, BILL RAMACCIOTTI '51, all of Omaha, and BOB MCCABE '51 of Lincoln, NE. Tom is originally from Omaha and attended Holy Name Grade School; Bob Meehan was raised in Lincoln, NE, and attended Blessed Sacrament Grade School. His family were friends of DAVID DOYLE '47, PETE ZIMMER '49, and Bob McCabe and their families. Bill Ramacciotti, Brian Tobin, and Bob McCabe were all three graduates not only of Campion but also of Creighton University in Omaha, NE. Bill Ramacciotti was raised in Nebraska City, NE, the home of the Arbor Day Foundation; Brian Tobin hails from Mitchell, SD, the home of the Corn Palace. The luncheon conversation steered around Hall Smoker, prefects, teachers, coaches, and various 'Jebs', lost weekends, and jugs. How did we survive those years and yet today we survivors still want to get together with our brother graduates. My twin brother, CHARLIE MEEHAN '50, now of St. Louis, MO so enjoyed his four years at Prairie du Chien while I simply tolerated the situation and the Jebbies, the reunions and our days at Campion: Kostka Hall, Campion sports. Many a story was told. May your newsletter continue on for the benefit of all. Bob Meehan' 50
The following appeared in the January Newsletter on our website: You may recall that in our beginning I swore to you all that we would not release our name and address list to any outside agency - Commercial, Charitable, Religious, whatever. Recently, The Jesuit Partnership has asked us to allow them to send an annual Christmas card to the members of our group with "a subtle request" for financial help. Strapped for time with Christmas quickly approaching, we sent e-mails to about 40 of our gang who seem to have leadership positions within their classes, asking their opinion in this matter. Without getting into details, with 20 responses, we received mostly negative views. There will still be no use of our mailing file by any outside agency without your approval. Now we are opening the discussion up to all of you. (As our January paper version of this has already been printed, this will appear in the April '04 paper issue for non-computer folks.) Please let us know your opinion about this by one means or another. Also, please know that The Partnership has been a great
help to us in the promotion of the all-class Florida reunions by providing
printing and mailing of the announcements. This has amounted to
hundred dollars of expense that we have not had to bear. We are writing
to you about this to make an attempt to repay their kindness. We at
Campion Forever have, and will remain neutral in this or any similar
matter. We are not in the advertising business. Please give this some
thought and respond as you see fit. Aaron: Ever since I received your last newsletter, I have been
wanting to write to tell you that I think that issue was the best one
yet. Maybe we are finally getting beyond angrily grieving the closing
of Campion and have attained a peaceful acceptance of that fact. I have been asking myself what content for future issues would appeal to me, and perhaps to other Campion Alums. One of the guys in our class is very negative about the notion of "dueling careers." I disagree with him. I, for one, would be interested in reading how other guys who had a prep school experience similar to mine have made their way through this gift we call "life." For example, how do (did) we balance our vocations as husbands, fathers, sons of God and our natural parents, and as siblings? How do (did) we relate to the communities around us? What values given us at Campion served us well or ill? Almost all Campion Graduates left there as Pre-Vatican II Catholics. How did we accommodate the changes? Is religion or spirituality something we relate to now or are we so secular and pluralistic as citizens of the 21st century that religion is a subject that cannot be broached or simply isn't relevant? What of value remains from the prep school period of our lives? Does any disutility remain? I'm not an "Andrew Greeley Type," so I don't expect there is much prospect of getting a social scientist's comprehensive perspective of the demographics of the surviving Campion Alumni. But, I would wager that individual reflection on this or a similar syllabus would be fascinating reading, it being a given that the benevolent dictator we have as Editor would need to judiciously edit any submissions of this type. Does this ring true with anyone else? Or should I just keep on stumbling around in the sagebrush and snowstorms of this end of the earth and keep my ruminations to myself? Michael J. "Michael" Burke '64
Also Excerpted from The March 1980 Alumni issue of the Campionette: WHAT USED TO BE CAMPION... Today if you were to stroll in on the 108.2 acre campus once known as Campion, you'd find substantial changes. Remember Our Lady's shrine between the old Kostka and Campion Halls? The stone work still stands but not Our Lady. Her niche is barren. Xavier Hall (built in 1965 on the site of the old Lawler Hall which was demolished in 1960) is now Boys' Dormitory I, and its north end is used as the "Christian Day School." Campion Hall is closed, as is the Joyce Kilmer Library where "Daddy" Gores used to keep an eye and a half-finger on us during the 40's and 50's. The old gym - now called "Second Gymnasium" - is in tact and in use. Our Lady of the Angels (Father Schutte's) Chapel is now the Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church where a Lutheran congregation of worshipers gather on Sunday. And during the week, daily services - sermons, that is - are held there where once could be heard the Missa Recitata. Marquette Hall is now Boys' Dormitory II; Lucey Hall now is Girls' Dormitory. The Hoffman Memorial Gym has a new name too - the Athletic Center and Swimming Pool. And the "new" Lawler Hall (the result of Father Giunta's fund raising from many a generous Knight parent and friend) is the Classroom and Administration Building. The dining (Loyola) hall is still the Dining Hall and Bookstore, but it has been completely remodeled. The former Campion High School (College Prep) was purchased from the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in the summer of 1978. The Synod needed expansion room for its prep school located in New Ulm, Minnesota since 1884. Campion had been closed since June 1975 and was for sale. The Lutherans saw the campus potential, took it over, and opened it under the name of Martin Luther Preparatory School on September 4th of last year, with an enrollment of 362 students (172 boys and 192 girls) - all of them in preparation and training as future pastors and teachers for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod. MLPS has a four-year program with heavy concentration in religion, Latin, German and music. Room and board runs $480 per semester; tuition adds another $220 (for grades 8 and 9) or $245 (for grades 11and 12). Miscellaneous fees for chemistry and biology classes, piano instruction, etc. add as much as $175 per year. The Rev. Oscar J. Siegler, President, notes that "we run a rigid course and we hope to increase attendance to five or six hundred before long." A 37-page catalog of the "new" school is available from Eldon Hirsch, recruitment officer, MLPS, Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin 53821. Tel. (608) 326-8480. - Joe Sweeney, '49
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