![]() VOLUME
5 • CHAPTER 2 April 2005
ur left hand man, Bubba Kincaid, and Iwere schmoozing a bit one day recently, listening to George Schearing and his guys tinkling out a little Lullaby of Birdland (remember?). Bubba says “hey, Hugie, ya know that there are a few phrases and words that are beautiful and soft to say. Like melanoma, belladonna, Mona Lisa and tsunami. How come only one of them is OK and the rest are horrible?” Now most folks think that Bubba is dumb as a boxarox, but once in a while he blossoms. We changed the subject rather than trying to answer him as we had no answer…Dave Carey ’60 needs a little help. Hope someone out there can do it: “Do you think you can assist me a obtaining a copy of the 1960 Yearbook. When we lost our home in the 2003 Cedar Fire in Southern California I lost all my personal memorabilia. Maybe someone from the 61-64 Classes could part with a copy? Any thoughts? Thanks for your help”… “Do you by chance have an address for Dr. Joseph A. Bongiorno '59? He apparently lives in the Chicago area. Thanks”, Ed Zinschlag '59 …Jack Coupe, ’47 sends this bit of little kid stuff: The best place to be when you're sad is Grandpa's lap…When visiting with my sister on Christmas Day, she presented me with a bottle of Pinot Noir produced and bottled by Campion Wines. It is produced by Santa Lucia Highlands in the Napa Valley. I do not know if there is a Campion connection with Prairie du Chien, but your Website might find this of interest. Merry Christmas. Bill Kelly, S.J…. Sorry to report that Thomas Clarke Madden, Campion 1941, died a few days ago. I officiated at his wake and funeral services, yesterday, December 23, 04. Coincidentally, the Funeral Parlor was that of Ed Donnellan, Campion 1940. A few of the Knights were in attendance. R.I.P. Rev. William J. Kelly, S.J. / Jesuit Community--Marquette University. to email…) "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." ---Al Gore, Vice President…..Pat Finneran ’53 writes that his third work of fiction will hit the street in mid-April. See his other works on his website: www.patrickfinneran.com. Marty Paulson ’75 tells us that there will be a reunion in June for men graduating (or woulda) from 1972 – 77 in Chicago. “The intent of a multi-class event is that many of us would enjoy seeing members of the classes that graduated before us as well as those who were a bit younger. For those classes that did not have the fortune of graduating from Campion, this would provide them an opportunity to gather with people they spent significant time with, recognizing that there might not otherwise be a venue for such a gathering. ( Please see more on our website…click here to visit the Reunions section). Contacts: Marty Paulson ’75 to email Marty), Charlie Most ’76, Mike Brennan ’75 to email Mike), Mike Tackett ’77, Perran Wetzel ’76 to email Perran), Tom Casey ’75, Fr. Brian Paulson S.J. ’77 to email Brian). • WE HAVE LOST A GIANT • So long, old Pal MAY YOU REST IN PEACE Wednesday, Mar. 02, 2005
The Rev. Walter H. Halloran, the last living Jesuit priest to be involved in the famous exorcism in St. Louis in 1949 that became books and movies, died Tuesday evening at a Jesuit retirement home in Milwaukee. Father Halloran, 83, had his nose broken by the 14-year-old boy from Mount Rainier, Md., who was thought to have been taken over by the devil. He became the core of a book by William Peter Blatty, "The Exorcist," although Blatty's demonic character was a little girl. It resulted in movies, including a Blatty sequel, and a recent remake of "The Exorcist.
Father Halloran, a handsome man who looked like actor Peter O'Toole, was a Jesuit scholastic at the time of the exorcism. He later taught at both St. Louis University and SLUH, the city's Jesuit high school. In 1972, he was named director of national alumni relations for the university. He was the last remaining exorcism priest after the death of Father William Van Roo, 89, who died in March a year ago at a health-care center in Wauwatosa, Wis. He also became quite renowned as a paratrooping chaplain during the Vietnam War, when he was 48, the oldest airborne character at the time. He won two bronze stars for his service in Vietnam.
In 1988, this newspaper did a two-part series on the exorcism and Father Halloran was a major source of information. "I was a real good friend of Billy Bowdern's," he said, referring to the late Father William S. Bowdern, the Jesuit who conducted the exorcism.
"I got in on the business with the prayers of exorcism, and the little boy would go into a seizure and get quite violent," said Halloran. "So Father Bowdern (who died in 1983 at age 85) asked me to hold him. Halloran was a former high school football player in Wisconsin. "Yes, he did break my nose," he said, noting that he observed streaks and arrows and words like "hell" that would rise on the child's skin. "We absolutely loved him," said Nina Wagner, of Richmond Heights, whose husband, Clarence "Clank" Wagner was in the Army in Germany and Vietnam during Father Halloran's chaplain years. They met at an engineering base in Hanau, Germany, back in 1967. "One day he was sitting in the officers' club over in Germany and a girl came by and kissed him on the cheek," said Nina Wagner. "He said, 'Oh my God, there goes half the parish.' He was just a wonderful character," she said, noting that he taught St. Louis lawyer James Holloran and his brother, Joseph, a Rock Hill laundry owner, at the Jesuit high school called Campion in Prairie du Chien, Wis., now turned into a prison. From Bob Lachance ’64: I thought you might be interested in this story about Fr. Walt. The article was sent to me today from one of my Campion '64 classmates after I passed along the sad news yesterday. It covers some of the high points in his life ... but misses that he attended Campion, taught there, coached there, played there, loved the place and the people, and left his mark on so many of us. From Tom Olson ’72: While it is interesting that Fr. Walt Halloran and Fr. Bowdern were involved in an Exorcism in St. Louis, alumni of Campion High School more fondly remember him for his and Fr. Bowdern’s relationship to our almamater. Fr. Bowdern was Rector of the school from 1937-1942 and Fr. Halloran graduated in 1939. That is their real connection! You state that he taught a couple people from St. Louis at Campion in Prairie du Chien. Well, he did more than that....he attended Campion, played sports there, taught there, coached there, loved the place and the people, and left his mark on so many of us. He'd come to our reunions and we would visit him when in the area. Campion was a great place in its day. And those
of us who went there are bonded in a way hard to imagine by others.
It is sad for us when one of ours passes on because we are all that
is left of that place, rich in history, spectacular graduates, awesome
teachers and coaches. Fr. Walt Halloran is considered one of the
good guys, a great alumni, teacher, and best of friends to all. Thanks, guys for the input on this sad event. Father Walt’s funeral, described by Jim Benso ‘60: A rather simple and quiet affair, made more somber by the overcast and drizzle Saturday morning at the burial site. In the casket, Walt looked rather thin to me -- apparently from weight lost during the cancer. Bryan Drangle ‘60 had an apt description -- he looked tired. Friday night -- the visitation and mass were held in a chapel at St. Camillus -- a Jesuit retirement home and nursing facility on the west side of Milwaukee. Fr. Scott is there also but we didn't get to see him. He retires early, and may be ill. Bryan and I will find out more -- and if there are any other Jesuits there from Campion. Jim Holloran came, along with his brother, and a lady from St. Louis whose husband had been stationed in Germany with Walt when he was chaplain of their unit. The men both later went to Vietnam. During the Mass, a few family members made short remarks about Walt, and there was a eulogy by Fr. Rick Abert, S.J., the spiritual advisor for priests in the Milwaukee Archdiocese. The eulogy followed what we remember about him – a straight forward man who spoke little of himself. He had more accomplishments than I knew -- I only learned recently that he was involved in the famous St. Louis exorcism, and that he served in Vietnam. In his retirement his passion remained golf. His death was expected. A few months ago Walt went
for a check-up accompanied by his sister. The x-rays showed a large
cancerous growth in his lungs, and the doctor told him it wouldn't
be long. Before the mass I was outside catching a quick smoke.
Bryan and I were standing there when a crusty old Jesuit pulled
up. He was wearing a beret. He spoke to us as he was going in
-- he was with Walt in the seminary. He said he didn't know anything
about the Order when he entered, and that Walt kind of took him
under his wing. ..."he taught me how to break the rules and
not get caught". Later, during the eulogy, the priest mentioned
that Walt didn't like authority all the time. He mentioned that
once Walt and another priest were talking about a former superior
they didn't particularly like. The priest remarked that They did have an honor guard at the burial Saturday morning, 3-gun salute, and a flag was placed over his casket by an Army major and sergeant. He's buried at a large catholic cemetery, at the foot of a hill with a number of other Jesuits. Fr. Corrigan is buried there, along with Father Dooley (I believe Bill Dooley's older brother), and Fr. Catuzo (whom I vaguely remember). To me, it felt like the passing of an era. I didn't know Walt as well as some of you guys, but I always regarded him as a straight shooter. At the grave site I was reminded of Arthur Clarke's notion of the stars blinking out in the sky, slowly, one by one. I felt we had lost one of the stars in our firmament. It was mentioned during Mass that Walt liked most of his assignments, but not all. The one he liked best was Campion. Father Joe Eagan ‘40, who was guest of honor at the 2003 all-class reunion in Pensacola, recently visited Ireland (to participate in a Clan Eagan gathering) and England, to visit the imprisonment area and tombs of Edmund Campion and Thomas More. Below is his take on St. Edmund. Later we will cover his thoughts on St. Thomas. ST. EDMUND CAMPION, 1540 - 1581
had three reasons for visiting the site of Campion's four-and-a-half month imprisonment with its bitter tortures and the chapel where he debated Church of England scholars. One, Campion is a fellow Jesuit. Two, I have long been inspired and fascinated by him: his heroism in returning to England to sure martyrdom, his heroic dedication to the Catholic church and the Pope, his zeal and courage in risking his life to say Mass and bring sacraments to English Catholics, his brilliant mind and powerful preaching, his bravado in challenging those seeking his life, his many clever disguises, his amazing strength under torture. Three, four of the greatest years of my life at the Jesuit boarding high school named after Campion and six happy years as a priest teaching there. How well I remember after more than 60 years how each Dec. l we students celebrated Campion's feast day with Mass in our Lady of Angel's Chapel, a free day, and a special meal! The first thing we saw as we drove into Campion was the life-size statue of Edmund Campion. I write this account of Campion for my classmates, close friends after 64 years! Campion was a brilliant Oxford student. At a public presentation before Queen Elizabeth, he so impressed her that she offered him a bright future in the Church of England. Though he was ordained a deacon in that church, Campion began to have serious doubts about the Church of England and Elizabeth's role as its head. He decided to become a Catholic, left England to study for the priesthood in Belgium, then walked barefoot to Rome to join the Jesuits. In 1578 at the age of 38 he was ordained a priest at the English College in Rome where Jesuits were being trained for the "English Mission", to return to England and sure martyrdom to advance the faith of all who are found to be Catholics and to bring back to it whoever may have strayed from it. At the age of 40 Campion arrived at Dover disguised as the merchant Mr. Edwards. He began visiting homes of Catholic families, saying Mass in secret, preaching, spending long nights hearing confessions, resolving difficult conscience dilemma, hiding in cleverly constructed "priest holes" behind wood paneling. He wrote his famous "Campion's Brag" that infuriated Anglican clergy, the Queen and her advisors, and the infamous priest hunters: "I am a Jesuit and proud of it; in spite of your best efforts at security, I have illegally entered your country; I am zealously ministering illegal sacraments and will continue to do so — I challenge all the great and good of the kingdom to debate and am confident of beating them; I call on the Queen herself to attend — I say that I and my fellow Jesuits are determined either to win you heaven or to die upon your pikes, never to despair of your recovery; while we have a man to enjoy your Tyburn (where "treasonous" priests and Catholic lay persons were hanged, drawn and quartered.)". For his brag, Campion became known as "Edmund Campion, the seditious Jesuit." When the torture of priests began in December,1580, Campion wrote Rationes Decem (Ten Reasons). In 20,000 words he exposed the major errors and weaknesses of Protestantism and of the Church of England and powerfully argued the truth and historical witness of the Catholic Church. He ended with a direct appeal to Queen Elizabeth to make herself "worthy of her ancestors…by converting to Catholicism" and with an eloquent defense of the Catholic faith. Only three weeks before his capture, 400 copies from a secret press had been distributed at Oxford where Campion had been a brilliant student and greatly admired Proctor. On Monday, July 17, 1581, at a farmhouse 10 miles from Oxford, the most-wanted man in England, Jesuit Edmund Campion, was found hiding in a narrow room over the gateway, arrested, and sent to the Tower. He had been betrayed by George Eliot, a paid government informer. To be a priest in England at that time was a crime punishable by death. Campion was tortured (nails driven between his flesh and fingernails and his fingernails torn off) and stretched many times on the rack to get him to reveal Catholic families where he said Mass and to whom he administered. Campion's request in the brag for a public debate was granted; four times in September he debated Church of England scholars and divines on points of Catholic teaching. The first debate was held in the Tower of London in the chapel of St. Peter in Chains; beneath its floor were buried John Fisher, bishop of Rochester, and Thomas More, both martyr-saints who died in defense of the faith. The high point of my visit to the Tower was spending time in this small chapel. I tried to visualize that scene 424 years ago: the emaciated Campion, weakened by months of torture and just having been racked, seated before his well groomed opponents, each armed with a copy of Campion's Ten Reasons. Reports published later of the debates revealed that Campion answered their arguments and attacks with clarity and eloquence. On November 20, 1581, Campion was put on trial for treason under the 1581 Act of Persuasion that stated "reconciliation to the Romish religion by any way or means is treason." Campion was sentenced to death. He made it clear that he was being killed because he refused to leave the Church of Rome and return to the Church of England. When asked "Campion, what can you say why you and the rest should not die?" Campion replied "In condemning us, you condemn all your own ancestors - all the ancient priests, bishops, and kings - all that was once the glory of England, the island of saints and the most devoted child of the See of Peter." Campion, that seditious Jesuit, was hanged, drawn and quartered on Tyburn Hill, Dec. 1, 1591. He was the first to mount the cart, a noose around his neck. When a Council member challenged his innocence, Campion answered "Well, my lord, I am a Catholic man and a priest; in that faith I lived and in that faith I intend to die. And if you esteem my religion treason, then am I guilty." When asked "Do you renounce the Pope?" he responded only "I am a Catholic." Edmund Campion, Jesuit priest and martyr, was canonized a saint of the Catholic Church by Pope Paul VI in 1970. As I stood in this chapel where Campion defended the Catholic faith so eloquently, I thought often of the many other Jesuits imprisoned in the Tower who died as martyrs; I thought of Margaret Clithrowe, wife and mother, who became a martyr because she hid priests in her home in York so that Catholics could attend Mass in secret; I thought of the many lay Catholics who so highly valued their faith and their loyalty to the pope and for whom the Eucharist meant so much they risked their lives to attend secret Masses. I thought how easy it is for Catholics today to celebrate the Eucharist and wondered just how much today's young Catholics value the Eucharist. I wondered if Catholics today will demand of their bishops and the pope that they not lose the Mass because of increasing lack of priests. I couldn't avoid the contrast between these heroic English Catholics and the indifference to the Eucharist and the faith of so many younger Catholics today. We priests and the hierarchy have a great challenge before us. Will we meet it? Art McGinnis ’47 provides this bit of Prairie du Chien history from a Christian Brothers publication……Thanks, Art.
rairie du Chien, a pleasant little river town with the quaint sounding name, has immediate appeal to the traveler. Its name, so linked to its history and geography, can be easily explained. Nature had formed this beautiful prairie about 10 miles long and two miles wide as the Mississippi River, centuries ago, receded from its eastern bank near where the Wisconsin River and the Mississippi River meet. The place was once called the Dog Plaines after the Indian leader, Chief Dog. It was the French trappers of a later date who christened it Prairie du Chien. It is another linkage, that of the Christian Brothers’ St. John College and John Lawler, an active Catholic layman and philanthropist, that brings us to this stop along the river. John Lawler was responsible for the Brothers coming to Prairie du Chien in 1871. A brief recap of the early history of this area explains the story this way. The original St. John College building was once a railroad hotel built as the railroads moved west in 1857. It closed after a few years and later reopened as an independent college. The property was bought by John Lawler and the college soon closed. A summary of this phase of education at St. Johns, written in 1937, briefly describes this early history. "Mr. Lawler was a very good Catholic, and interested in Catholic education. He was the most influential man in the whole district: was prominent in railroading and steamboating. In 1873, he built what is today the largest pontoon bridge in the world. It crosses the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien. Mr. Lawler offered the purchased property (Prairie du Chien College) to the Jesuits for a school. Due to a shortage of men, the Jesuits had to refuse this kind offer. Mr. Lawler turned the property over to the Christian Brothers in February 1871. They opened a school, St. John's College in August of that year. Brother Francis de Sales was president." John Lawler was a rare human being — a strong leader in his church, in his community, in business, and in public and Catholic education. He was very well connected, both politically and with church leaders. The last public event in Prairie du Chien connected to civil war activities was the visit of Civil War generals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Hancock It was John Lawler who accompanied them as they left town for La Crosse, Wisconsin. His religious honors attest to his church service as he was made a Knight of St. Gregory by Pope Leo XIII. He also became an Affiliated Member of the Christian Brothers. The curriculum of St. John's College seemed to take students well beyond the school's Mission Statement. "The object of this Institution is to afford young men in this section of the country a good opportunity to acquire a thorough commercial education, based on the principles of religion. Whilst classical colleges aim chiefly at educating young men for the ecclesiastical state, the law, medicine, the magistracy, statesmanship, etc., commercial colleges propose to form men of business. It must be admitted, that those who intend to conduct business affairs should be well prepared by education to fit them for their employment. Merchants, storekeepers, mechanics and farmers of the northwest, who desire their sons or wards to become efficient accountants, can convince themselves by trial that this Institution fulfills all its promises. No pains shall be spared to render students competent to enter on commercial or industrial pursuits.” It certainly appears that the college was to be a commercial and industrial school. But the curriculum reveals something more elaborate. The program, divided into four sections, basic to superior, included a very challenging array of subjects. The program offered reading, spelling, arithmetic, geography, grammar, composition, U.S. history, German for three years, familiar science, commercial composition, bookkeeping, elocution, debate, English literature, commercial law, algebra, trigonometry, geometry, surveying, natural philosophy, Latin, writing and speaking, phonography and four years of religion classes. The curriculum prompts many questions. How could a few Brothers and their lay associates offer such a rich program? Where were they themselves trained in such programs? Did John Lawler, who hoped to get the Jesuits in Prairie du Chien at first, influence the curriculum? We know that he followed the academic programs closely and even took part in the final examination of the students. The first Director of St. John College, Brother Benedict, was replaced after what was called a difficult first year, so perhaps a change in emphasis was taking place. A statement published, perhaps late in the 1871-72 school year mentioned: "Besides the usual English course, Scientific, Literary and Commercial, the Latin and German languages will receive special attention." During the eight-year span when the Brothers taught at St. John College, a decline in enrollment began to take place. There seemed to be enough boys in Prairie du Chien and in McGregor, Iowa, across the river, but this was predominately an agricultural area and many of these youngsters were needed on the farms. Some who would begin a school program would soon leave as the crops and cattle needed to be cared for. Many of the boarders who were largely from McGregor were also part of this exodus. It is not easy to find the actual enrollment figures, but the decline was spelling the demise of this short-lived program. The melodramatic statement in the Mississippi Vista of 1948 wraps up the Prairie du Chien story for the Christian Brothers. "The setting sun of Prairie du Chien's promise cast lonely shadows in the empty halls of St. John's in the evening of 1879, after eight very productive years." So, in 1879, the property reverted to John Lawler, who located a group of German Jesuit missionaries and the school became known as Sacred Heart College. After eight years, it was closed to lay students and became a Jesuit novitiate, to be opened once again to lay students in 1889. The Missouri Province of the Jesuits took over the college in 1907 and it became known as Campion until 1975 when the Jesuits withdrew. Today, the State of Wisconsin operates what was once St. John / Sacred Heart / Campion as part of the state prison system for non-violent youthful offenders. 14 July 2004 Dear Alumni and Friends, My father was a graduate (1921). My brother Warner ' 50 and my cousin Mike '55 and I fill out the Whalen Campion Club. I must start with some bad news: my brother Warner passed away following a stroke in 1998 just 2 years into retirement and planning to enjoy life. My cousin Mike from Darlington, Wisconsin encouraged me to write this letter. Little did I think that some enterprising young Knights would pour over our addresses and skiff through this material. My hat’s off to you. Captain Daniel P. Whalen was born in Evanston, Illinois on 20 December 1943, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Whalen. Raised in Chevy Chase, Maryland he graduated from Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science in 1966. He enlisted in the Aviation Officer Candidate Program in August 1966, participating in the inaugural class of the Naval School of Aeronautical Sciences at Pensacola, Florida, he was designated a Naval Aviator at Corpus Christi, Texas in May 1968. Following recruiting duty at Naval Air Facility Andrews, Washington, D.C. he reported to RV A W-120, he was assigned as a "Plank-owner" in Detachment THIRTY-EIGHT. Serving as the Assistant Operations and Landing Signal Officer, he deployed aboard USS SHANGRI-LA (CV A38) to the Mediterranean in 1969 and to Southeast Asia in 1970. In May 1971, Captain Whalen was reassigned to Commander, Carrier Airborne Early Warning Wing TWELVE as the Assistant Readiness Officer and Staff Landing Signal Officer and concurrently served as an E-IB instructor at RV A W -120. His efforts during this tour led to Commander Naval Air Force, Atlantic Fleet approval for initial day carrier qualification for first-tour E-2 Pilots. He subsequently conducted the first carrier qualification for these aviators. In January 1974, after completing jet transition training at Attack Squadron FORTY-THREE and flying the A-6E at Attack Squadron FORTY-TWO and the RA-SCin RVAH-3, Captain Whalen reported to CVW ONE as the Staff Landing Signal Officer and Administrative Officer. Conducting the first fleet carrier qualification of the S-3A Viking and the inaugural AIRLANT carrier qualification of the F-14A Tomcat on board USS JOHN F. KENNEDY (CV-67), he deployed with the "Air wing-Ship of the Future" to the Sixth Fleet in 1975-1976. Captain Whalen transferred to RVAW-110 at Miramar, California in July 1976. He served as an E-2B flight instructor, Pilot Training Officer, squadron Safety Officer, and Maintenance Officer. While there he established the requirement for initial night carrier qualification of first E-2B pilots. Captain Whalen returned in March 1979 to the East Coast to RV A W-120 for E-2C ARPS transition training and subsequently reported to VA W-121 as the squadron Maintenance Officer. In 1980, embarked on the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), Captain Whalen completed a 251 day deployment, the longest since World War II. The EISENHOWER was underway for 152 continuous days during one of her two "at sea" periods. In February 1981, he deployed to Keavik, Iceland for three months. In August 1981, Captain Whalen reported to the Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island as a student in the College of Naval Warfare. Upon graduation in June 1982, Captain Whalen returned to Commander, Carrier Airborne Early Warning Wing TWELVE as Chief Staff Officer. Captain Whalen next reported to the SEAHAWKS as Executive Officer and Commanding Officer in May 1983/0ctober 1984. The SEAHAWKS distinguished themselves by winning the Commander Naval Force Atlantic Battle Efficiency "E" and the Chief of Naval Operations AEW Excellence award. In May 1986, joining Commander, Carrier Group Eight as the staff CIC officer, he completed Northern Wedding and two successful Mediterranean Deployments, the second of which he was responsible for the shooting down two Libyan MIG's. Following January 1989 he was transferred to the Pentagon, to be responsible for inauguration for George H.W. Bush. He made significant contributions to the Navy's war fighting capability, the future of naval aviation, and the Naval adoption of Total Quality Leaderships while serving on the OPNA V staff from January 1989 to July 1993. He served with great effectiveness over that period as Deputy Assistant for Aviation Plans. Following his retirement from the Navy he went to work for LOGICON where he was the Member of the Technical Staff. He suffered a stroke in May 1999. He and his wife, the former Maureen Hanlon of Glen Rock, New Jersey, reside in their current home of Leesburg, Virginia. Their five children are James, John, Julie, Laura and Daniel. That about does it! PLEASE stop in and stay a spell…Maureen and I would love to see any of you. s/Pops Daniel P. Whalen '61 Captain USN (Ret.) More on Campion Wine: The ubiquity of Paul McCollough ’70 never ends. A
frequent contributor, Paul recently wrote: Leighty to factory: Dear Mr. Brooks, Keith Leighty Factory to Leighty: Keith, Important message for you spacey folk: TO: HEAVEN'S GATE PERSONNEL Due to extensive tail winds caused by the comet HALE-BOPP, pickup of 39 passengers has been delayed ‘til 2024 when we pass by the planet earth again. DO NOT EAT THE PUDDING! More about the new Ave Maria University: Law school considers move to Naples, FloridaA law school could make its home in the town of Ave Maria, where more than 20,000 people are expected to live by 2016. The Ave Maria Law School in Ann Arbor, Mich., was created by Domino's Pizza founder Tom Monaghan, who also founded Ave Maria College in Ypsilanti, Mich. Monaghan plans to close the Ypsilanti school in 2007, which is when Ave Maria University is expected to be ready for students. Moving is a consideration, but a decision has not been made, he stressed, and one likely will not be made until the school receives full accreditation from the American Bar Association. "The issue of moving a law school from one location to another is considered a major change, which requires their approval," he said. An estimated 300 students attend the law school, which currently has provisional accreditation status from the association. Provisional accreditation status allows the students to take the bar exam anywhere in the United States. One hundred percent of the Ave Maria Law School students who took the exam this year passed. The law school had the highest pass rate among the six Michigan law schools, including the University of Michigan, Dobranski said. The earliest the school could move to Florida would be in 2008, he said, but that could easily change. The school's current focus is on receiving accreditation from the association. Mike Reagen, president of the Greater Naples Chamber of Commerce, recently met with law school faculty to discuss Collier County and its attractions. Reagen said the Ave Maria project will attract people from around the United States. The town is expected to reach build-out in 2016. "It's going to be a spark for massive development beyond the university and the town," he said. "I believe there will be another 60,000 homes in that part of the county in the next decade." The university and town, created by Monaghan and Barron Collier Cos., will be located on what are now acres of old farm fields off of Oil Well Road. It's about 10 miles south of Immokalee and is expected to spark development in the small farming village as well. Prophetic?Excerpted from a 1948 Campionette, Dick Rawe ‘48 writes: Tis the year 1995. All around us the air is filled with deep, enchanting perfume, as that of a ……… skunk. The world over, results still remain of the enterprise of the …….Campion student……. because Campion High School was completely, but unfortunately, demolished in the Atomic War of 1953. One morning a man comes into the church on crutches.
He stops in front of the holy water and splashes some of it on both
of his legs, then throws away his crutches. Without batting an eye, the priest says, "Son, you've just witnessed a miracle. Tell me, where is this man?" "Flat on his ass, Father, over by the holy water." Stephen W. Kelley '71, writes: Concerning the article: The Train Ride Home, April 4, 1968 by — Paul McCullough '70. I have always remembered that train ride. It was a long time ago and I was a freshman. A few comments: 1) I do not remember how many locomotives there were. I do remember that there were cars at the end of the train that were set aside for us. These cars were of a different vintage than the rest of the passenger cars on the train. These Campion cars definetly showed their age; and I always thought that it was interesting that we were paying regular fare, but getting these old train cars. 2) My recollection was that the worst damage was done to the Campion cars. 3)There is no question that at least one toilet was removed from its moorings and tossed from the train. A bathroom without a toilet was pretty obvious. 4) For some reason, the bathrooms on the train were a victim of significant violence. 5) I personally did not observe the destruction when it occurred, but there was no doubt someone had expressed their feelings in those bathrooms. There were broken fixtures and glass everywhere. I vaguely remember having to go quite a bit forward on the train to find a bathroom that was usable. I remember walking through the train, there was no question that damage had been done to that train. I do not believe that I ever knew what triggered the events of that day. I sometimes wondered if the old cars they gave us some how contributed to what happened. I do not recall whether anybody suffered any consequences from this incident, but as a freshman I vaguely recall that the issue was directed at the upper classmen.
ne of you dudes suggested we do a reunion on a Caribbean Cruise ship. We have done a little exploring and this is to determine the amount of interest amongst y’all. A friend who is a travel agent suggests the following: Time frame…..February, 2006 OPTION 1-----A 4 day cruise which travels to the Bahamas and back. Price range (depending on the number of cruisers, time of year, cabin selection, etc. $550 — 650 per person. OPTION 2 (recommended)-----A 7 day Eastern Caribbean cruise. Price range $850 — $950 per person. Itinerary includes: 7 day cruise with meals and entertainment (also gambling on ship) 4 ports of call Visits to St. Thomas and St. Maarten.
If enough interest is expressed, we will pursue this adventure. Please write, call or e-mail your wishes / desires as soon as you can. These things are scheduled far in advance. For more info at this time, you might visit your favorite travel agent. We will be back to you soon regarding the fate of this expedition. 4th ANNUAL FLORIDA ALL CLASS REUNION REPORT Our host, Jim Sweeney has selected an outstanding venue for this year’s party. The Hyatt is a top flight hotel on Sarasota Bay. The Saturday night banquet buffet will be served in the beautiful Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall overlooking the Bay. Jim advises that there are a limited number of tickets for the Ringling museum tour on Saturday. If interested, call Jim if you have not registered yet…time’s afleeting! These are the grads expected:
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