![]() VOLUME
7 • CHAPTER 2 April
2007 COW CHIPS Bubba Kincaid comes again…”Hey Hugie”, he says, “ I’ve got another recipe for your audience. The Hellmann’s folks have come up with a new mustard called ‘Dijonnaise’. It’s very good, but a bit too bland for me. So I take a bunch of it and add a dollop of horseradish. Use as much or little as you please. I like half-and-half. I think y’all will like this. Otherwise, I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe. See y’all later.” In January, we mentioned that we would place into JUG those who have not helped us financially for four years. We received a nice passel of dollars, but primarily from our regular ‘count on me’ guys. We will postpone purging our files until July, in case there was a misunderstanding. Dear Campion alumni, Some of you from the Class of '48 remember me, especially Ed Rogers. We were roommates at Marquette U. In 1950 I joined the Jesuits. Other Jesuits from'48 were Bill Sullivan, George Maynard (deceased), Pat Stewart, and Peter Carey. Jesuit training used to take 15 years. Some wags say: "Jesuits are mentally slow, that’s why it takes so long." Well, nowadays, the course lasts about 11 years, since many have a college degree. Bill Sullivan is at Seattle U. After ordination, I taught at Campion from' 65-72. Then I became chaplain at various hospitals in Milwaukee, Omaha, Mankato, MN. and Milwaukee. I am now retired. I am at a Jesuit nursing home. Address is St. Camillus Jesuit Community, 10100 W. Blue Mound. RD. Milwaukee, WI 53226 Fr. John Scott, S.J. is retired with me. He is writing his 28th book and has written 23 pamphlets. He is 93. My brother, Tom Brodzeller class of 1955, is retired and lives in Phoenix. Regards, Bob Brodzeller, S.J. ‘48 WHAT HAPPENED TO
THE JESUITS I REMEMBER? No sooner did the institution calling itself ''the nation's largest Catholic university," De Paul, establish an academic minor called "Queer studies: 101" than Loyola University of Chicago named as chairman of its theology department a woman Ph.D. who supports a system of morality at wide variance with Church tradition. She wants to get the Church and the nation to give equal respect to the cause of homosexual love. Which means that while the authenticist Catholic Citizens of Illinois petitions Rome to either make De Paul conform to Church teaching on sexual morality or strip it of its Catholic designation, Jesuit Loyola has promoted a woman who says since morals evolve anyhow, one day the Church will join her. Meanwhile, she says, her formal academic interest is centered on "the moral evaluation of pleasure and sexual diversity." "Pleasure and sexual diversity: 101"? Not yet, but her barrage against exclusive heterosexual morality has enlivened many campuses where she has guest-lectured, including St. Mary's at Notre Dame, Ind. The new Jesuit chairman of theology is Patricia Beattie Jung. According to Loyola's web site, she runs a department that has long been interested in what it describes as the "critical appropriation of personal faith and sympathetic appreciation for the beliefs of others." (It is also greatly interested in appropriations from the taxpayers, about which more later). Dr. Jung is deeply engrossed in what she calls "Christian sexual ethics," which to her involves concentrating on the discrimination homosexuals and lesbians face for insisting on advocating and performing practices that have been banned in Judeo-Christian theology for 5,000 years. She herself is not a lesbian — not “that there is anything wrong with that,” as actors portraying players in our nervously politically correct culture say on the TV comedy Seinfeld. And she doesn't knock heterosexuality, she supports monogamy, frowns on promiscuity. But she thinks homosexuality should not be disparaged, And she is married to an equally open-minded Ph.D. who has joined her as co-author at least one book. They have three sons and a daughter-in-law and will mark their 30th wedding anniversary next year, the university log says. All very normal except she believes that "in our cultural context, fidelity to the Bible does not require that we necessarily replicate the particular judgments of the first century" and earlier. A breathtaking introduction to theology for young men and women attending this purported Jesuit school. Dr. Jung explains that she is a militant critic of the discrimination that society has exerted in condemnation of homosexual acts - criticism not only by the Catholic Church, but by Judeo-Christianity. She does not exclude the contempt that cropped up following the tale in Genesis of Sodom and Gomorrah, in particular, the famous passage where the men of Sodom clamor for Lot to produce the two angels in human form whom he was sheltering so they can have sexual relations with them. That passage produced the term sodomy, described in Webster's Second International Dictionary as "carnal copulation in any of certain unnatural ways." Dr. Jung opposes that definition as well. Agreed, Webster's description of homosexual acts as "unnatural" means that Dr. Jung has a job on her hands of changing not just Webster's but moral attitudes - a task that is truly Herculean (to be disgustingly sexist about it). Moreover, she has an added burden of confronting biology. Heterosexuality is anchored in the contention since paleo-centuries that male and female sexual organs complement each other harmoniously. Then there is the archaic (to her) view that male-female coupling is superior because they produce babies who replenish society. But let us get Dr. Jung right. In an address to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans gender "community" of the Episcopal Church entitled "Heterosexism: An Introduction," she laments that what she calls heterosexism, the view that heterosexuality is to be preferred, "pervades our culture and shapes a wide range of social phenomenon and public policies.” Catholic theology believes that's good. But Loyola theology department chairman Dr. Jung most emphatically does not. She's not against heterosexuality, understand, since she practices it herself. But she condemns heterosexism because it favors sex between men and women and tends to discriminate against same-sex couples. Speaking to the Episcopalian LGBTs, she denounced a system where heterosexuals "are given access through marriage to a variety of benefits: to spousal immigration rights, to the proxy privileges automatically attributed to the 'next of kin' in regard to medical decisions and funeral arrangements, to many economic benefits (both direct and transferred) from Social Security, Medicare, veterans, and other pension plans, and to the spousal benefits associated with life and health insurance policies." Jung was warmly received. And her book (coauthored with Ralph F. Smith) Heterosexism: An Ethical Challenge was favorably reviewed. Dr. Jung began her lecture by first using the word "gay". (an ancient word whose original meaning was "lively" or "spirited") for homosexual inclinations but then lapsed into the term "queer." By this usage she is at one with De Paul's "Queer Studies: 101" by which is commonly understood to not just abolish discrimination but to achieve public favor for their acts and ultimately abolish reference to tradition that condemns homosexuality. Activists see the next step as equating public and pulpit condemnations of homosexuality with "hate speech." In some Canadian provinces there is civil penalty against such speech. By passionately arguing against "heterosexualism" - a word she appears to have coined - which under traditional Judeo-Christian standards involves condemnation not of people but immoral acts, Dr. Jung has won entree as a popular speaker at pro-homosexual rallies. She appears at seminars where she cites her book with the captivating title, Good Sex: Feminist Perspectives From the World's Religions, for which sales at the sessions are brisk. A familiar theme is the one she stressed in an article for the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry: assailing "privileged status for heterosexual people." She declared that heterosexism "connotes prejudice against bisexual, and especially homosexual, people." She is particularly good at coining other names which seem to have no basis in most psychological studies and invests them with academic jargon. For example, there is the word "procreationism", which she defines as defining "one's status as a 'real' woman or 'real' man [that] hinges significantly upon one's reproductive potential and/or performance." Audiences understand quickly that she is against procreationism. At the same time, Dr. Jung clings to the title Catholic, celebrates heterosexual marriage, but in equating homosexual acts with heterosexual ones, wanders far from theology into her own private brand – although she expects times will adapt to her view. She also likes to capitalize words in her talks. In preparing this article, this writer read from her text that says the "key premise" of those who wallow in "heterosexism that heterosexual sex is the ONLY form of good sex - rests on a set of interrelated convictions," She continues, "With the first of these convictions - that God delights in the faithful, loving communion of persons - most who oppose heterosexism have no argument. But the two further claims that such a love can be enjoyed only by people who are, open to procreation and whose genders are complementary - most who oppose heterosexism find deeply problematic" (italics supplied): If she counts herself among the majority that she has enumerated, Loyola's chairman of theology has indeed propounded a theology for a new church. Which means that naive early students of theology may get a "twofer" from her courses - an education as to what is bad about traditional sexual morality and an introduction into a new theology as envisioned by Patricia Beatty Jung, Ph.D. Parents who forgo material needs to pay for their progeny's education at a so-called Catholic university will be astounded to learn that in all probability they have regularly committed the sin of heterosexualism. By lamentable secular university standards a professor's views, no matter how strange should, not be criticized lest their "academic freedom" be interfered with. And as a former Loyola adjunct professor, this writer has found it wiser to take the case for change to the university heads themselves. The question parents and donors should ask is this: How did someone of Dr. Jung's dissident beliefs get to head Loyola's Theology Department when by the norms of Ex Corde Ecclesiae a proper Catholic ethos should be maintained by the university, faculty, administrators, and students? Thus the same problem that besets De Paul now confronts Loyola, a problem that reverts like a ricochet to the desk of overworked Francis Cardinal George whose staff doesn't exactly snap-to when he issues an order. But the rationale of authenticists who oppose Dr. Jung's misinterpretation of theology might well be this: If Loyola University of Chicago wants to maintain an open, total dissent from the Church that is central to its reputation, fine. But then it should stop calling itself Catholic and be honest with its students and their parents and all who are squirreling hard-earned money to pay tuition costs and fees. Truth in advertising deserves nothing less. Consequently, public pressure that is exerted on Cardinal George concerning De Paul will come to him also regarding Loyola and the same archbishop in the Vatican who has thus far ignored CCl's protest even to the extent of neglecting to respond to his mail. Why do Loyola and other so called Catholic universities persist in thumbing their noses at traditional Church teaching while following an aggressively secular creed? The answer: Follow the money. Loyola may dissent from Church teaching, may have a chairman of theology who is in full opposition to 2,000 years of Church teaching, but it has been buttoned up tight with the very nominal largely Irish Catholic Democratic Party mafia that has run the politics in this town for more than 70 years. That mafia that is willing to throw theology and philosophy under the bus to make easier its role in winning absolution for its pro-abortion, pro-gay rights views by dispensing of contracts, tax breaks and conferring paybacks. Democratic house Speaker, Mike Madigan, arguably if not the first at least the second most powerful official in the state, whose views on social issues are to say the least negotiable, got his law degree from Loyola as did his favored and highly prized stepdaughter, Lisa. She has found that to be pro-abort and pro-gay rights is required to win her party's nod as state attorney general. She has been honored by Loyola law school, no matter the criticism the school has received from Catholics. Lisa Madigan is the Democratic heir presumptive to the governorship, a seat held by a pro-abort, pro-gay rights Serbian orthodox ex-pizza deliveryman Democrat who most regular Democrats including the Madigans wish would evaporate. But officially opposing him for reelection would not do. So Poppa Madigan is chairman of the governor's reelection committee, all the while hoping that the pro-abort Republican candidate, nominal Catholic Judy Baar Topinka will win, will serve one term, will keep her tacit promise whispered on the sly to Democrats in order to get their under-the-table support to raise the state income tax, and decline to seek reelection after one term, leaving the way open for daughter Lisa. Madigan's powerful wife, Shirley, who is Lisa's mother and who enthusiastically supports her daughter's socially liberal stance, served prominently on Loyola's board. She does so no more but retains a keen interest in Lisa's receiving Jesuit approbation for future campaigns, since being an Irish Catholic no matter how nominal gets votes big-time. Also on the board was Bill Daley, the mayor's kid brother, an ex-ace lobbyist, now top official of Chase Bank, former Clinton secretary of commerce and ex-Gore campaign manager, who echoed the former vice president's views on gay rights and against the partial birth abortion ban. All are interested in keeping Loyola's favor; still valuable as a vestige of a once great Jesuit tradition. In addition to them, the litany of prominent lawmakers who have gone through Loyola and its law school looks like the "A" list of the Cook County Democratic Party. Mayor Daley - who didn't go to Loyola, for whom English syntax is a second language, who is lucky to have graduated from any school at all, and who is nevertheless going to run for re-election is also enlisted.. So to no one's surprise, late last year, Chicago awarded Loyola up to $46 million in tax increment financing dollars for renovation of several of its buildings on its north lakefront campus. In May, the Democratic controlled Illinois House, operating under the autocratic gavel of Speaker Madigan, appropriated $8 million for the same project. Loyola officials were never required to explain why they needed the additional $8 million or in what ways the state funding would benefit the state of Illinois. Miraculously, none of the usual liberal ACLU anti-church and state zealots uttered a peep of complaint to Loyola's largesse. The only way we know about it is because there was produced a "memo of understanding" between the governor with the not alliterative name of Rod Blagojevich (pronounced: bla-goya-vich) and Speaker Madigan. It was produced because Madigan believes, correctly, that he cannot trust Blagojevich to keep his word. So the memo was typed and slipped into the state files. And tucked into one memo of understanding which slipped by scrutiny of the mainstream press last May was an agreement to give $8 million to Loyola "for capital costs associated with redevelopment of the University's Mundelein Center Skyscraper building." In true Chicago style, no one is owning up as to who - the governor, the speaker, the mayor, or whoever - initiated the Loyola handout. But there's no doubt it was the Madigans. The only thing anybody will admit is the obvious: the agreement signed by one Jan Grimes of the state's Capital Development Board and Fr. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ, president of Loyola. Grimes stonewalled our writer, sticking only to affirmation of the details of the grant. As for Fr. Garanzini, a St. Louis import, who is barricaded by legions of public relations officials from scrutiny, there was no return call to this newspaper. Whether cleric or lay official, it's the old refrain: no comment. The so-called mainstream press is singularly uninterested in reporting the "deal since, with few exceptions, they support the Madigans. Par for the course but it doesn't matter. News of the deal is on the street anyhow. When pressed, Speaker Madigan's spokesman said, "A lot of people made a compelling case for this project." He's undoubtedly right: a lot of people, unnamed. The memo of understanding states the project is in the best interest of the state because Loyola "seeks to expand the horizon of its students' understanding of themselves in relationship to the wider world.” How's that for specifics? But as The Reader, an underground and unofficial city newspaper reports, taxpayers are paying about $54 million of an estimated $85 million construction project "that benefits a private university charging $26,150 annual tuition and blessed with a growing endowment that now stands at about $200 million." That vague open-ended poetic commitment "to expand the horizon of its students' understanding of themselves in relationship to the wider world" sounds, fittingly, Jesuitical. And it contrasts with those of other universities who have given specific details on what state money will be used for. Northwestern University got $8 million and has stipulated it will go to building a regenerative medicine wing at the Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center with reams of papers attached. Even De Paul, which rivals Loyola in the amount of taxpayers' cash it garners through Democratic combined influence peddlers, got its $9 million by stating it will go toward a new science center with many backup papers attached. When pressed, Loyola says its money will go to offer "community drama and art programs." That will pay for a truckload of gay oriented playwrights and drama coaches at its theater. The idea of TIF (or tax increment financing) is that tax dollars forfeited during 23 year terms will be offset by increased property tax revenues. Actually it can be justified and has been seen as responsible for the gentrification of the Loop and many neighborhoods. But on this matter, the city gets gypped. Loyola University is tax-exempt. And to make matters worse, the city will actually lose net revenue because a portion of the TIF funds is to buy a private office building for use by the school, which means taxable property is being converted into a tax exemption. The city loses, the state loses, the taxpayer loses. But nobody's sad. The Loyola-Democratic coalition is firm even as Loyola winks at the Democratic Party's firm espousal of sexual license. Follow the money. Therefore, to paraphrase the famous words of one Irish Catholic Democrat in his inaugural (one whose rich daddy also made deals with benevolent churchmen): "Ask not what you can do for Loyola but what Loyola, by conferring favor to candidates after being rewarded with tax concessions and subsidies can do for you."
Aaron, Here is an old email I had from Fr. Brian Paulson, from the 1970's era at Campion. He reports on African Americans at Campion. I consider that an interesting topic, but don't know if you have already reported on it on your newsletters. I would like to think that the African American students benefited a lot from their years at Campion. Thanks, Yes, I can report that many of the African American alumni from Campion in my era (the 1970s) have gone on to successful careers. I would say that there is the normal spread that you would find in the general population of those who have achieved success in their careers and happiness in family life, and those who struggle in one or the other areas. We had about 10 African Americans or so out of the some 90 alumni who showed up in June at the reunion (including spouses and teachers, we had about 140-150 total!) A good time was had by all. Best wishes,
Visit with the StarsIn a tent in the Black Hills of South Dakota on a hot day some time ago, a member of the Campion faculty sat down to lunch with three newfound friends: Henry Fonda, Richard Widmark and George Pepard. Fr. John Scott, S.J., had come to the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation to write a series of magazine articles on the Sioux of the Holy Rosary Mission when a strange twist of fate put him in the company of three of Hollywood’s most famous leading men. Upon his arrival Father Scott found that many of the Sioux he had once instructed had gone to the Black Hills to take part in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's cinerama production “How the West was Won.” Father was then given the opportunity of viewing the actual filming. Mr. Mike Bechers of Rapid City, extended an invitation to ride out to the film’s location with Mr. Earl Winegard publicity director of MGM. Arriving on location, the two men beheld a time lapse transformation of the Black Hills. For this filming of the first cinerama historical feature (previous cinerama films had been travelogues), the MGM special effects crew transformed of the countryside into a railroad camp and an Indian village as they appear in “How the West was Won.” Father then took up a position behind the giant eye of the cinerama camera and watched a tense moment in the production as stars Henry Fonda and Richard Widmark come upon the Indian village. After this old West scene, the film company broke for a 20th-century (not Fox) lunch. Having lunch at the right hand of cinema greats Henry Fonda, Richard Widmark and George Pepard is not an everyday occurrence, but Father took this in stride, and soon Campion’s man of physics was engaged in a lively discussion with three of Hollywood's greats. From time to time, these four men would gaze through the flaps of the lunch tent and see paint-smeared Sioux, blue-uniformed soldiers and red flannel railroad workers eating lunch with camera crews and technicians in a kaleidoscopic mix-up of history. But one hour later, history had reorganized itself. The Sioux were in their tepees, the cavalry men in their saddles and the railroad crew pushing the steel rails of the Iron Horse west. And once again Father Scott was behind the cinerama cameras watching “How the West was Won”. Father Scott sent us a picture of himself and Fonda. It was quite old and a copy of a copy of a copy, etc. He is trying to find an original for us — AH Breakfast at the White HouseDick Cheney and George W. Bush were having breakfast at the White House. The attractive waitress asks Cheney what he would like, and he replies, "I'd like a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit. "And what can I get for you, Mr. President?" George W. replies with his trademark wink and slight grin, "How about a quickie this morning?" "Why, Mr. President!" the waitress exclaims. "How rude! You're starting to act like Mr. Clinton, and you've only been in your second term of office for a year!" As the waitress storms away, Cheney leans over to Bush and whispers..."It's pronounced 'quiche' ALUMNI NOTES
Thank You Campion / Thank You JebbiesI began my four years at Campion as a nearly perfect underachiever, having graduated 32nd in a class of 34 at St. Francis Xavier Grade School. I left Campion with a Naval Scholarship and started Holy Cross College. Jack Walsh of recent Campion Forever notoriety was at MIT and I hitchhiked from Worcester to Boston to spend weekends with Jack drinking beer and exploring the Boston Commons and Scully Square. Then came Korea, Naval Air, and much excitement. I had a brief tour at the Naval Academy as an instructor, resigned my commission and off to medical school, a surgical residency and then a surgical practice in Southwest Virginia in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Bought a 200 year old plantation, converted it to a cosmetic surgical clinic where patients and their family could stay following surgery. Helped found the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and served as a board examiner for a few years. Retired again, sold the plantation, and bought a 170 year old farm where my wife and I live in a small farmhouse built shortly after the War Between the States (this is the term my wife taught me rather then the blasphemous name Civil War). I read, write, listen to music, serve on the Church Council, and do everything I can to undo the dreadful mischief of Vatican II. I've had an exciting and satisfying life, and I feel I owe the opportunity for this to my four years at Campion, everyday of which I then hated. Mike Bestler, Class of '48 I know there are many Campion Boys/Men with interesting lives. Let's hear about them. |
“Campion Jesuit Residential Secondary School for Boys and Girls.” Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Yet the differences are obvious – and that’s because the “New Campion” is in Gulu, Uganda.
It started as a dream by the Jesuits in the African Mission of the Wisconsin Province of Jesuits. Fr. Tony Wach, Mission Superior in East Africa (and my bench mate for 4 years at Campion – i.e. W & Z) had an article in Jesuit Journeys, Winter 2006 (www. Jesuitswisprov.org – also go to magis.Creighton.edu for more pictures by Fr. Don Doll, S.J.) a year ago in which he outlined the need in Northern Uganda and the opportunity presented by the stabilization of the longstanding war with the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Gulu, the principle city in Northern Uganda had always been under government control, but the surrounding countryside was not. So travel was difficult and the influx of thousands of “night children” each evening to avoid capture by the LRA rebels and conscription as child soldiers, disrupted local infrastructure. But now that the rebels have moved out of Northern Uganda and a real truce is a possibility and travel is safe and refugees are returning from across the border in Sudan, the Archbishop has asked the Jesuits to open a secondary school in Gulu.
Fr. Tony Wach had talked about this with several people in our class and ongoing discussion was occurring. But the real impetus for this project on our end, was our 45th reunion which we held in Prairie in conjunction with the annual spring All-Campion golf outing. As we stood there looking at barbed wire around the old campus, I think we all felt a sadness that this was the legacy of the Campion name. But through the reunion weekend the idea emerged that Tony Wach’s appeal was our chance to create a “New Campion” and pass on the tradition of a Jesuit education to an incredibly important part of the developing world and to a country that is a bulwark of Christianity in the area (Uganda is 60-80% Christian by various estimates). And to a country in which it is easy for us to participate personally because the language of business and education in Uganda is English. Maybe some of you will even volunteer to teach there for a seminar or a semester. This land in Northern Uganda is already “sacred” – blessed with the martyrdom of the “Acholi Catechists” Saints. Their sacrifice to preserve the faith of the Acholi people of northern Uganda reminds us of the martyrdom of Edmund Campion in England - a further connection for us.
We resolved at that reunion to start the “New Campion” campaign with the goal of reaching the million dollar mark for naming rights. This was more than our class of ’60 could do alone. But even more important, we wanted to spread this appeal to all the classes of our former school because we wanted every single Campion alum to have the opportunity to be united with this campaign and to feel that they were a part of the “New Campion” and that this new school would be our legacy. Even if you can’t contribute financially, become vested in this project spiritually by praying for its success and passing the word on to everyone you can.
It is now not a question of “if” or even “when” but of “what quality?” The New Campion has started. Over a 100 acres have been donated or purchased at the Jesuit Center site in Gulu where the school and residences and new parish will be located. Fr. Tony Wach (class of ’60) and Fr. Jim Strzok (class of ’57) have been working on this project for several years. Two additional Jesuits are on site full time now in temporary near-by housing and hiring and training teachers and setting up a curriculum. A nationally prominent architectural firm has volunteered its staff and services to design a show-piece school with the local architects.
We have raised over $250,000 to this point. We are on our way. Please join your colleagues in this effort. The Jesuit Partnership is our Non-profit (therefore tax-deductible) organization collecting and channeling the funds to Gulu. Their web-site is www.jesuitswisprov.org and their address is:
The Jesuit Partnership / 3400 W. Wisconsin Ave. / Milwaukee, WI 53208
Be sure you give your class year and specify for the “New Campion Campaign.” AMDG
David S. Zamierowski ‘60
Scot Macbeth, a 1947 classmate took to the hills a long time ago. He has climbed mountains all over the world, primarily in Nepal and other such exotic spots. He has put his story in print for us with lots of gorgeous pictures. In a very short time we will have his bio complete and we will publish it on our website. The address will be: www.campionforever.org/scot. There will also be a link on our front page. It should be up by mid-April. |
Sorry to report these OBITSJohn Walsh, SJ ‘41 |
REUNION VI REPORTAlthough earlier in the year than in the past, the party was nicely attended and everybody seemed to enjoy it. Since the party we have received more mail, telephone calls and e-mails complimenting us on the event than we had in 2002 when three times more folks were in attendance. We were fortunate to have the sales manager, the lovely Sarah Zwilling, lead us by the hand. At the Saturday night banquet, Brendan Miles '56, from deep South Amory, MS entertained us with a flurry of Cajun jokes and anecdotes. The silence in the room as he spoke was a quiet tribute to his story-telling ability. The Melbourne Hilton - Rialto Place catering staff has never performed better. Our banquet was outstanding. For twelve of us the weekend was very special as it was the reunion celebrating the 60th anniversary of our graduation from CHS. Don Hackett and Dave Keeney came from California, Jack Bertsch and Father Jim King from Ohio, Bob Callahan from Chicago and Jack Becker from Arizona. The rest of us are Florida neighbors: Art McGinnis, Lou Kauffmann, Bob Tully, Jerry Tuite, Irv Bruce and myself. After Sunday's breakfast, parting was difficult. As my eyes moistened and speech became difficult, I scooted up to our room to pack up and get ready to leave. Hard to think of how many of us will exist in another 10 years. One of the guys suggested we try 5 years. Who knows? That may happen. A link on the front page will get you to a lot of swell pictures from the reunion. Or you can use www.campionforever.org/2007reunion. |
See you all again in July.
(Be the good lord willin’ and the crik don’t rise.)
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