![]() VOLUME 22 • CHAPTER 4 • October 2022 Memoirs![]() The first Campionette, the student newsletter, was published 106 years ago, on November 11, 1917. The first editor of the Campionette was Tom O'Connor, class of 1920. The last official issue was the one announcing the closing of the school in May 1975. Over the years, various classes have published special editions for their class reunions, some of which have been pretty extravagant. The Campion Forever Newsletter was first published by Aaron Huguenard, class of 1947, in 2000 as a means for alumni and faculty to keep in touch and share life experiences. We've been trying to get memoirs from retired and not-so-retired Campion Jebbies for our newsletter for quite some time. We don't care if the memoirs are about when they went to Campion, taught at Campion, or just what they've done since leaving Campion. We just want to hear something from our mentors in the first person; perhaps words of wisdom learned while IHS; typically, we only get third-person accounts post mortem. Not to lay all the blame on the Jebbies, but why can't we get memoirs from more alumni, or what they've done since leaving Campion? Where are all those other authors and editors of the old 'ette"? While it has been a task getting people to submit articles, there are a few dedicated alumni and Jebbies who do regularly provide ideas for articles. This is a good thing; otherwise, I would have to conjure the 'Ghost of Joe Campion' for ideas more than I care to.
I have been tagged to write an article, so be it! There were a couple others who were expected to supply articles for this newsletter. Perhaps they will get them in for the next on This issue contains "The Final Chapter" from the Saga of the Scarlet Knight. RIP!
From Tom Olson '72
Campion Jesuit HS Nostalgia SiteThe Back Story by Thomas OlsonI've been told that I should write an article about my history to create the Campion Jesuit High School Nostalgia Page for the Campion Forever Newsletter. My initial reply was that I had already done that. It is documented on the Campion Alumni Association website, campionforever.com. Note that the.COM is not the.ORG, which is the CF Newsletter. After a few months of mulling over "should I?", I thought maybe I just needed to reference the previous articles. Is that a cop-out? Well, probably. Perhaps I should describe my background and interest in digital computers. I tend to explain things by using lists. That should be quite evident in the way campion-knights.org is organized. So the lead-in, and then maybe the back story.
The Lead InIt has been 30 years since I first started this project as my vitae (1992) at CERF.net (California Education Research Federation) for use with the now deprecated and ancient Internet protocols (Finger, Veronica, Archie, and WAIS), which were all text-based search engines before CERN introduced HTML and before graphics browsers were introduced by NSCA Mosaic and Netscape. Most of my souvenirs, memorabilia, and letters from my Campion years were destroyed in the Iowa Floods of the 1980s. Mom sent me my yearbooks. The books were highly water damaged. They had warped covers, and the pages were all stuck together. So, I set out to borrow yearbooks to scan so I would have the class pictures, etc. Also, since all the school's class picture archives were destroyed in the Kostka Hall fire in 1968, sans the class of 1970, I thought it would be nice to create an on-the-line archive of all our senior class pictures for the school. I would not have progressed beyond my original goals of collecting and scanning yearbooks for their senior class pictures, covers, and the occasionally profound stories if it wasn't for the former Wisconsin Governor Patrick Lucey (of all people) discovering my vitae and encouraging me to expand it. It definitely snowballed. If you have the time to relax with a glass of wine, Campion-Knights.org is loaded with (as Fr. Aspenleiter, SJ, would say) "boo-coo" history and facts about the best Jesuit high school ever—until it was ordered closed by the Superior General of the Jesuit Order (the Pope's right hand) in 1975. "That's my story, and I am sticking to it". The Campion Knights Project took on other projects over the years. One being the Campion Forever Newsletter, which you are reading and which has taken priority. First a little history excerpted from the Campion Alumni Association regarding the development of Campion's Internet presence. The digital age came to the world of Campion Alumni by way of the work of several Campion Alumni members. Unaware of the Campion Alumni Association, Tom Olson '72, in the early to mid-90s, as a charter member of classmates.com, began contacting Campion alumni for their memoirs and comradery. He began setting up an alumni database and posting pictures to a "Campion Jesuit High School Nostalgia Page." Tom registered the Campion-Knights.org domain in 1999 to display his collection of yearbook front covers, senior class pictures, and other contributed student albums and memorabilia. He made his database available to alumni in the In Privatum Campianum. During the years 1997 through 2001, several graduating classes took out domain names and started up sites with information about their own classes. This includes Campion58.org, Campion56.org, Campion64.org, CampionClassof61.homestead.com, and in 2004, Campion65.com and Campion66.org, and in 2007, Campion60.org Tom Olson continued to develop his Campion-Knights.org site, and in December 2000, he hosted a "Campion Forever" newsletter for Aaron Huguenard '47. By October 2001, Aaron had registered the name campionforever.org and began to publish his quarterly newsletter on that site. Throughout the first decade of this century, Aaron has hosted all-class reunions every year in Florida. In his letter of July 7, 2009, Aaron Huguenard announced that he was discontinuing his Campion Forever newsletter, for reasons of age and health, as well as the diminished amounts of information he was getting for the newsletter. In Aaron's final days on earth (mid 2010), he transferred the CampionForever.ORG domain back to Tom Olson. Tom has consequently extended the domain registration and begun producing new content for the online newsletter.
Campion JHS Alumni Internet Activity Time Line1992 - Tom Olson '72 wrote campion.txt for reference in his vitae at CERF.net (California Education Research Federation) for Finger, Veronica, Archie, and WAIS text based search engines. 1993 - Converted to HTML for text based LYNX WWW browsers; Campion Jesuit High School Nostalgia Page. NSCA Mosaic browser became available allowing pictures to be viewed in-line on a text page. The World Wide Web takes off. http://cerf.net/~tolson/ Campion-Knights Nostalgia Page (deprecated years ago) 1994 - Tom experimented building Linux Servers and database engines to keep track of his contacts to share with his alumni contacts. 1995 - As a charter member of classmates.com Tom actively expands contacting alumni. Encouraged by Gov. Lucey '35, Robert Muhs '38, Ed OConnor '43, Jim Williamson '47, Bob Kearney '46, James Radtke '47, Ted Sachs '47, Larry deLorimier '48, Robert Lawler '48, Bob DuBrul '53, Charles Conrad '56 1997 - Class reunion - Schaefer Oneill '72 registers Campion.ORG and proposes to point it at Tom's page. For what ever reason it didn't happened. 1998 October - Mike Kelly '58 registers Campion58.ORG 1999 November - Bob Jakoubek '66 creates jakoubek.org with a Campion Page. 1999 December - Campion.ORG on hold so Tom registers Campion-Knights.org. Mark Gomez '74 encourages Tom to build boffo website and ships trunk load of memoriabilia for Tom to scan in support of new direction. Mary Gillitzer (PdC HS '72), grandaughter of Coach Hoffman is source of boat load of Coach Hoffman related materials. 2000 July - Pat Mower '64 registers Campion64.ORG 2000 December through 2001 Tom hosts Campion Forever Newsletter for Aaron Huguenard '47 on the Campion-Knights.org site within the In Privatum Campianum. 2000 - Bob Graver '68 creates the Campionette OnLINE at campionhs.tripod.com site 2001 March - Charles Conrad '56 registers Campion56.ORG 2001 - Frank Larkin '61 creates CampionClassOf1961.homestead.com 2001 October - Aaron Huguenard '47 registers CampionForever.ORG to publish quarterly newsletter. 2003 September - Schaefer registers and parks CampionForever.COM. 2004 October - Bill Elliot '65 registers Campion1965.COM 2004 November - Bob Voosen '66 registers Campion66.ORG 2007 April - James Benso '60 registers Campion60.ORG 2009 December - Tom receives Campion.ORG and CampionForever.COM from Schaefer. Tom offers CampionForever.COM to be used for Campion Alumni Association historical records. CampionForever.COM was initially hosted on one of Pat Mower's servers that he and Tom setup. Campion.ORG is used to link to CJHS phenomena and archives of deprecated CJHS domains. 2010 July - Tom receives CampionForever.ORG from Aaron. New editions of the on-line newsletter begin to appear with embedded videos(Youtube, Vimeo). 2012 September - Campion1962.com is registered 2013 June - Jim Geldermann '70 registers Campion70.ORG 2015 February - Campion65Knights.com replaces Campion1965.com NOTE 1: Several Campion related Yahoo Groups exist (not related to above domains). Campion-Knights (all classes) - Christopher Lamal '70 (RIP) and Tom Olson '72 CampionAlumni (all classes/primarily Class 56-ish) - Charles Conrad '56 (RIP) and Bob Valeri '56 Campion65 (primarily Class 65-ish) - David Robbins '65 NOTE 2: Social networkng sites like Facebook have several Campion Jesuit High School groups. LinkedIN, a professional contacts site, also has a Campion presence.
The Back Back StoryThis might get nerdy.
Where in this mess did I decide to start Campion Knights.?? TBD I am tired.
From the Scarlet Knight The Last Thoughts of The Scarlet Knight The Scarlet Knight at The Gates of ElysiumYet Another Cold Night Lying Alone with Sword at My Side. The battle ended several days ago and I survived with neither Steed nor Comrade to speak with of My Life in My Land, My Life in the World. My only comfort is the Intermittent Rainfall that cleanses my Armor of blood and pain, that wakes Me Alive and that eases My Thirst. The End of My Days as a Campion Knight will come Soon. I willingly await My Final Adventure. I was Pledged into the Knights Elite in My last year of My 4 year Quest. I believed that I Pledged well and that I would live and serve well as a Knight Elite. Once Pledged, The Strength that Pulsed through My Young Life, My Armor, My Sword and Steed resounded in My Heart with every thought conceived and every action taken as a Knight Elite. My Quest in The land is now within reach. My Destiny will be revealed to me soon. I am now prepared for the Revelation. My Quest in The Land has Ended and I am now without a Land to Protect, to Serve and to Save. My Belief in Someone Else surely will hold me well until I Discover My Land. With My Belief in Someone Else, I began My Journey as One, to Find and Establish My Land. It is There that I will Teach My Beliefs and share My Strength derived from The Land and The Knights of Campion. It is there, in My Land, that I will Save All the World. After uncountable months of Journeying and Trepidation, My Journey Ended. I finally found My Land, My Future, My Destiny. I found a Land that I Needed to Protect, to Serve and to Save and yet still I Needed to Win This Land over. I Needed to Win My Land against All Others and yet share with Them My Beliefs and Strengths in making this land The Land of The Scarlet Knight. After Years of Struggle, My New Found Land became known as Omnia Terra. It is a Long and Wide Valley, lush and fertile, with natural escarpments forged by Time and Earth that guard both the East and West frontiers. Through the Valley Floor flows a small but strong River fed by many streams carrying water down from the cliffs. It is the Purest of water making it the Purest of lands. It will be here in Omnia Terra that My Eyes will forever close upon All the World and yet My Strength shall forever remain to nurture the Valley. Omnia Terra has survived and flourished for so Many Years, Years that I wish not to revisit. Many battles were fought for Omnia Terra with much Gain, much Honor Achieved and much Loss absorbed over These Years. I am now Aged and lacking in Strength, a consequence of all the battles and all the Loss, but I must fight one Last Battle for Omnia Terra. The Southern Border of Omnia Terra will soon be breached by an army of Marauders bearing allegiance to no Land and to no Belief. These Marauders are guilty of killing and pillaging in all the lands within their chosen path. After sending troops and cavalry to support our Southern Allies, our Defense against the Marauders has faltered. Omnia Terra is now in jeopardy. I, The Scarlet Knight, will now lead the strength of Omnia Terra in battle against the Marauders at the Southern Border. The Battle at the Southern Border raged for 2 days and 2 nights before I was felled with Sword in hand and lost consciousness. When I became aware of my surroundings I knew not of the outcome of the battle and had not the strength to rise from the mud holding my armor. My Sword would stay at My Side while I counted the sunrises. My count would be few. Never Forget, even with the End of My Life, that I am Forever The Scarlet Knight of the Campion Knights of The Land, and that I am Forever The Scarlet Knight of All the World. There Were These Times
From the Desk Of John Duskey '63
ReunionsIn the year 2023, it is safe to say that all Campion alumni will have reached the traditional retirement age of 65. We are all growing old and our numbers are dwindling. Our class had over 120 graduates, of whom about 90 are still alive, and 70 continue to have regular contact with their classmates. Among that number, several live at a great distance, or because of health concerns, were unable to travel to our reunion in July. As time moves on, we can expect smaller numbers attending reunions. I am the social committee chairman for the class of 1963. In fall of 2021, our only surviving teacher who was able to come to a reunion was Mr. Reynold Frutkin. When I talked to him last fall, he mentioned that he taught a section of honors English to sophomores (class of '64), and that it would be nice to see some of them again. The social committee discussed this and we decided to invite everyone in the class of '64 to our 59th anniversary reunion. Jerry O'Kane '64 facilitated the contacts with that class.
![]() The reunion was held last July 8-9-10 in Des Plaines, IL. We had 35 people there, and the guys in '63 were happy to meet and visit with members of the class of '64, and vice versa. For the class of '63 - sixtieth anniversary reunion next summer, we are inviting both classes, '62 and '64, to join us. This might be a good idea for other classes, or groups of classes. After fifty years, there shouldn't be a wall between different classes who shared the same Campion experience.
Film ReviewFrom time to time I come across a film that deals with boarding school issues. In 1955 there was a film "The Private War of Major Benson" which dealt with the ROTC program at a boarding school in California. Then there was that other film (Dead Poets, 1989) that was mentioned in my article about the characteristics of boarding school life in the April 2021 issue. Right now, I want to acknowledge and thank Jack Garvey '63 for bringing another boarding school film to my attention. The film is "The Emperor's Club" (2002) and it featured Kevin Kline as William Hundert, the teacher in a Western Civilization course at a high school called St. Benedict's, and Emile Hirsch as Sedgewick Bell, one of Mr. Hindert's troublesome students. The film had several elements that would be reminiscent of what we experienced at Campion: Mr. Hundert was also a dorm prefect, Students made a forbidden trip off campus. However, it seemed that time in the dorm room was not as strictly regulated as it was at Campion. Also, the librarian was somewhat rude to Mr. Hundert; I can't even imagine such behavior by Miss Mulheim or Mrs. McGinley. While there were religions sisters on the faculty at the nearby girls' school, St. Mary's, there was no sign of any priests, Benedictine or otherwise, or any religion at all, at St. Benedict's Academy. Sedgewick Bell comes into the picture as a trouble-maker and Mr Hundert tries to make him into a serious student. At one point, Mr. Hundert visits Sedgewick's father, who tells him that the school cannot mold Sedgewick's character, that he, his father, does that. It is clear that Mr. Hundert has standards that are different from Sedgewick's father . The school has a contest to award the title "Mr. Julius Caesar" to the student-contestant who can answer a series of questions about Roman history. It appeared to me that this system, and Mr. Hundert's demands, placed an emphasis on memorizing answers and knowing a lot of facts. That class graduated in 1976 and they have a reunion of all these contestants 25 years later Turns out that Sedgewick Bell has a questionable moral philosophy that allows him to bend the rules in order to achieve success. Mr. Hundert feels that he has failed in his effort to influence Bell, and blames himself for some of that failure. The film pays no attention to any academic work except the Western Civilization course. No other faculty play significant roles. There is one incident where, after the headmaster dies, Mr. Hundert applies to be the new headmaster. He is passed over, in spite of the fact that he is the best teacher, because the governing board wants to hire a person more inclined toward interaction with the community and who has plans for fund raising. All the students were keenly aware of the amount of money their parents were spending to put them in St. Benedict's. It was obviously a lot more than our tuition at Campion. This sheds further light why Number 23 on that list (April 2021 Campion Forever) is pertinent: "Expulsion was a fate worse than death." That depends on the amount of tuition money that could be lost, as well as the particular father-son relationship. The film isn't always enjoyable, but it does give the viewer a lot of issues to think about: Mr. Hundert's role as an educator, the father-son relationship that formed the character of Sedgewick Bell, and the tendency for people to lie, cheat and steal in order to achieve success in the political and financial world. The film opens the door to several questions. (1) Who should be the headmaster of the school? Should it be the best teacher, or the best community-action fund raiser? In our case at Campion, we couldn't have had a better answer than our experience with Fr. Kalb and Fr. Doran. The authority they jointly held successfully led the school. (2) Did the Julius Caesar contest put too much emphasis on memorizing facts, and was the glorification of one winning student really in the best interest of that student or of all the students? (3) Did the students have too much freedom during the time in their rooms, or should they have had some time for "room-rec" and some time for strict study as we had at Campion? (4) Did the school teach anything besides Western Civilization? Up-to-date classes in World History, nowadays, have a broader scope.
From the Desk Of Harry Stark '61 Hello Tom. This morning I was actually looking for something else Campion wise and ran across all your emails. You have a great web site and I have to confess I have not viewed it as often as I should have. In looking over your pending and past Campion class reunions, I notice our class as being not there. Our class of 1961 has had a stellar record of reunions as you can see from my attached list. This fall we head to Charlotte, NC. This was originally scheduled for 2020, but with covid it had to be cancelled. Our best reunion was our 50th in Phoenix. We had 55 classmates attend, most with spouses for a three day event held at the Marriott Desert Ridge. This was a fantastic hotel on over 300 acres with two golf courses, 940 rooms & 5 swimming pools. It was selected because one of our Ohio classmates, Tom Ramella, sold menus there and knew their chef and, of course, we could not go back to Campion because of all the barbed wire fences. Ha! The other deciding factor to chose that Phoenix site was the fact that we had 6 classmates residing there. Two had started businesses in Phoenix after college (Bud Hughey & Ed Printy) and three had retired there (Dick Kimberly, Mike Donnelly & John Novey) and I (Harry Stark) was a snowbird from Minnesota and purchased a condo there the year before I retired. Of course, my wife grew up in Phoenix from age 9 and as the youngest of 10 children, we therefore have a ton of relatives there. For our 50th, we planned all kinds of events for classmates to do from hot air balloon rides, horse back riding, hiking and golf. On our first night we had a beautiful outdoor dinner setting (May in AZ means nice warm weather) and after dinner one of our classmates, Denny Foley, who per his profession traveled on cruise ships as a musician, he played a guitar to entertain us all and while some classmates danced. On our concluding evening we held a great outdoor banquet on a small island surrounded by water from the extensive pool system. We handed out some fun gag gifts for the champion golfers of the past two days. We were fortunate also to have one Jesuit from Campion join us, Fr. Eagan. All in all, we had so much fun that everyone wanted to do it every year thereafter. So far we have not had any problem with a classmate stepping up to the plate and offering to host. Just couldn't resist send this information to you.
Best Regards, Campion Class of 1961 Reunions 2011 50th Phoenix, Arizona 2012 51st St. Louis, MO 2013 52nd Savannah, GA 2014 53rd Austin, Texas 2015 54th Colorado Springs, CO 2016 55th Minneapolis, MN 2017 56th Washington DC 2018 57th Sterling, Virginia 2019 58th Rapid City South Dakota 2020 59th Covid - No reunion 2021 60th Cody Wyoming 2022 61st Charlotte, North Carolina 2023 62nd ???
From the Desk Of James Radde, SJ Hi Tom, Thanks for your faithfulness year after year. I'm celebrating my 50th anniversary of ordination. I still live in St. Paul. When I'm not responding to requests to say mass or hear confessions in Spanish I'm a spiritual director and a potter. I'll be on a retreat team in July at the Jesuit Retreat House near Oshkosh,WI. Keep up your good work. God bless you. Jim P.S. Fr. Joe Eagan, S.J. turns 100 on October 29. He's at St. Camillus.
Alumni who have passed in... 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, All known by class. Faculty who have passed:
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